Friday, January 31, 2014

The meeting Ya.Oleksyukom outlined joint actions of the executive branch to prevent food trucks sea

In order to discuss the arrears in the payment of fees to the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Zastavna district state administration held a meeting of the "round table". The meeting was attended by the first deputy head of district administration Yaroslav Oleksyuk, head of the Local Government Pension Fund of Ukraine Viktor Stasiuk, head of the state executive service Gumen Victor and Ludmila District Attorney food trucks seattle Kinischuk.
Also participating in the "round table" was invited food trucks seattle leaders of the debtor and individual entrepreneurs who are in arrears to the pension fund and the payment of fees to the budgets of different levels. Each of them heard, food trucks seattle considered the real possibility of their ability to pay. The directions of cooperation for joint trips to the debtor state executive service employees food trucks seattle and specialists of local government fund to identify the debtors' property, its description and further implementation to repay debts to the budget of the Pension Fund, determined enforcement measures.
V.Stasyuk brought to the attention of the participants of the "round table", which is the most problematic issue is the collection of insurance contributions for 2010 and for reimbursement for the payment and delivery of pension, said that the issue of debt to the Pension food trucks seattle Fund Zastavna District food trucks seattle remains one of the main directions of the government.
The issue of debt to the Pension food trucks seattle Fund and the provision of social benefits today given increased attention and this is one of the priorities of controls food trucks seattle in the prosecution service - said L.Kinischuk and therefore promised to take control of all services related to this area of work.
The meeting Ya.Oleksyukom outlined joint actions of the executive branch to prevent food trucks seattle the growth food trucks seattle of debt to the Pension Fund and the promotion of cooperation in the redemption of existing debt, which first deputy executive power in the area took personal control.
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Answer A.Vynnyka on zayavlenye Yu.Andreeva 10.01.2014h here.
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

There are over 1,367,555 species of animals, without even counting the insects. It is therefore imp

Lovers of wildlife and flora of our planet, these animals bbrt to unconventional forms may surprise you. If you thought you knew everything about the animal world, the following photos you reserve beautiful surprises ...
There are over 1,367,555 species of animals, without even counting the insects. It is therefore impossible to know them all. Let yourself be surprised by these animals sometimes look crazy. We'll let you discover bbrt them on. 1. The Penis Snake (Snake penis ... this here)
<Img class = "size-full bbrt wp AlignCenter-image-83192" alt = "21-animals-unusual-dont-you-ever-suspected nauriez-lexistenceUne" src = " "Width =" 750 "height =" 450 "/> bbrt
<Img class = "size-full wp AlignCenter-image-83194" alt = "21-animals-unusual-dont-you-ever-suspected nauriez-lexistence2" src = " "Width =" 720 "height =" 376 "/> Source: Noticias 2. The Thorny Dragon (the moloch cousin Charmander)
<Img class = "size-full wp AlignCenter-image-83197" alt = "21-animals-unusual-dont-you-ever-suspected nauriez-lexistence5" src = " bbrt "Width =" 720 "height =" 540 "/>
<Img class = "size-full wp AlignCenter-image-83415" alt = "21-animals-unusual-dont-you-ever-suspected nauriez-lexistence49" src = " "Width =" 720 "height =" 511 "/> Source: Imgur 3. The red-lipped batfish (fish bat red lip option) <img class = "size-full bbrt wp AlignCenter-image-83195" alt = "21-animals-unusual-dont-you-ever-suspected nauriez-lexistence3 "src =" "Width =" 720 "height =" 530 "/>
<Img class = "size-full wp AlignCenter-image-83410" alt = "21-animals-unusual-dont-you-ever-suspected nauriez-lexistence44" src = " "Width =" bbrt 720 "height bbrt =" 476 "/> Source: Imgur 4. The Pacu Fish (fish Pacu) <img bbrt class = "size-full wp AlignCenter-image-83199" alt = "21-animals-unusual-dont-you-ever-suspected nauriez-lexistence7" src = " "Width =" 720 "height =" 579 "/>
<Img class = "size-full wp AlignCenter-image-83198" alt = "21-animals-unusual-dont-you-ever-suspected nauriez-lexistence6" src = " "Width =" 720 "height =" 581 "/> Source: Imgur / evolvingcomplexity 5. The Narwhal (narwhal or sea unicorn)
<Img class = "size-full wp AlignCenter-image-83414" alt = "21-animals-unusual-dont-you-ever-suspected nauriez-lexistence48" src = " "Width =" 720 "height =" 480 "/>
<Img class = "size-full wp AlignCenter-image-83411" alt = "21-animals-unusual-dont-you-ever-suspected bbrt nauriez-lexistence45" src = " bbrt "Width =" 720 "height =" 458 "/> 6. The Panda Ant (Ant panda)
<Img class = "size-full bbrt wp AlignCenter-image-83412" alt = "21-animals-unusual-dont-you-ever-suspected nauriez-lexistence46" src = " "Width =" 500 "height =" 312 "/>
<Img class = "size-full wp AlignCenter-image-83222" bbrt alt = "21-animals-unusual-dont-you-ever-suspected nauriez-lexistence30" src = " "Width =" 720 "height =" 480 "/> Source: Chris Lukhaup (Preview)
<Img class = "size-full wp AlignCenter-image-83416" alt = "21-animals-unusual-dont-you-ever-suspected nauriez-lexistence50" src = " "Width =" bbrt 720 "height =" 479 "/>
<Img class = "size-full wp AlignCenter-image-83226" alt = "21-animals-unusual-dont-you-ever-suspected nauriez-lexistence34" src = " / upl

Monday, January 27, 2014

Ghid Timisorean / Afaceri Arta si Cultura Baruri si Cluburi Catering Cazinouri Hoteluri Institutii s

Home » Presa locala    DIICOT și BCCO trimit traficanții texas state fair food de tigări după texas state fair food gratii. Percheziții și texas state fair food rețineri de suspecți De: 247timisoara ( spune-ti parerea! )    Publicat in 2012-10-30  
Sugestii cumpărături » Elenic si crestin in via » Caderea Constantinopolul texas state fair food » Trupuri imateriale. texas state fair food Repr » Filosofia bizantina » Teologia bizantina. Tend » Istoria Bisericii Ortodo » Aristotel la muntele Sai » Erotikon bizantin. Ortod » Vecerniile siciliene » Teocratia bizantina » Bizant
În această dimineaţă, au avut loc patru percheziţii în judeţul Timiş pentru  destructurarea unui grup infracţional organizat specializat în contrabandă cu ţigări şi evaziune fiscală. Ţigările erau aduse ilegal din Serbia, disimulate în locaşuri special amenajate în interiorul unor autoturisme.   Poliţişti din cadrul texas state fair food B.C.C.O. Timişoara şi I.T.P.F. Timiş, împreună cu procurori din cadrul D.I.I.C.O.T - Serviciul Teritorial Timişoara, cu sprijinul luptătorilor S.I.R. din cadrul I.P.J. Timiş, au efectuat patru percheziţii domiciliare pentru destructurarea unui grup infracţional organizat specializat în contrabandă cu ţigări şi evaziune fiscală. Patru persoane au fost conduse la sediul D.I.I.C.O.T. pentru audieri. În fapt, s-a reţinut că membrii grupului infracţional organizat modificau caroseriile autovehiculelor pentru crearea texas state fair food unor locaşuri texas state fair food speciale unde să introducă ţigările astfel încât să eludeze controalele efectuate de poliţiştii de frontieră şi lucrătorii vamali. Cu aceste autoturisme, modificate la service-ul auto deţinut de liderul texas state fair food grupării infracţionale, G.Radu, se deplasau în Republica Serbia, prin diferite puncte de trecere a frontierei, de unde achiziţionau însemnate cantităţi de ţigări, pe care apoi le introduceau ilegal în România. Odată introduse în România cantităţile de ţigări erau depozitate la acelaşi service auto, ulterior fiind preluate de ceilalţi membrii ai grupului texas state fair food infracţional şi comercializate pe piaţa neagră din judeţul Timiş, unor persoane cu astfel de preocupări infracţionale. În perioada 2011-2012 au fost introduse ilegal texas state fair food în România aproximativ 35.000 texas state fair food de ţigarete de provenienţă sârbească cauzându-se, prin neplata taxelor vamale şi a accizelor aferente cantităţilor de ţigări menţionate, un prejudiciu în valoare de 26.734 lei. În acelaşi interval de timp, trei dintre membrii grupului infracţional au fost depistaţi transportând 500, 438, respectiv 804 pachete de ţigări. La data de 17 martie a.c., poliţiştii B.C.C.O. Timişoara, au oprit pe raza localităţii Buziaş texas state fair food un autoturism condus de B. Ioan în texas state fair food interiorul căruia au fost găsite 3.880 de ţigarete timbrate necorespunzător. În urma cercetărilor texas state fair food efectuate a rezultat că ţigările au fost achiziţionate de la liderul grupării, G. Dorel, de 25 de ani. Cercetările continuă faţă de suspecţi pentru constituire a unui grup infracţional organizat, spălare a banilor şi contrabandă.
5 tag-uri gasite pentru articolul DIICOT și BCCO trimit traficanții de tigări după gratii. Percheziții și rețineri de suspecți : diicot ,   contrabanda tigari ,   contrabanda serbia ,   retineri politie ,   grup infractional ,  
'Tovarasii' lui Sisu au iesit din arest. Vedeta a ramas Presa locala : Vedeta hip-hop Tudor Sisu ram ne in arest, spre deosebire de 12 persoane judecate alaturi de el in dosarul de trafic de droguri. Sisu este incarcerat din luna mai a anului trecut. El Mai mult   |   PDF
Tigari confiscate Presa locala : Execut nd servciul de patrulare pe strada Grigore Alexandrescu din Timişoara, n data de 23.09.12, n jurul orei 16.10, poliţiştii Secţiei 2 Timişoara l-au Mai mult   |   PDF
Ghid Timisorean / Afaceri Arta si Cultura Baruri si Cluburi Catering Cazinouri Hoteluri Institutii si Autoritati Media Pensiuni Piscine si Stranduri Restaurante Servicii Shopping SPA si Ingrijire Personala Sport Transport   Presa locala Nicolae Robu c știgă procesul cu ANI 100 de z mbete (P) Robu vs Stoia - inca un razboi care nu face bine Timisoarei! Romprest a

Sunday, January 26, 2014


ARII   nu mai sunt (p...)/ genţiană/ mai o iarnă/ tigru/ summer/ toujours/ răstoaca/ cum / la trei/ de talie/ calmatu-m-am/ mate / gauchada / premiatorii/ ajută-mă Doamne/ nu se făcea alb/ icoana scobită/ în cină cecenă/ muma/ bun munte/ elita/ după ştiinţă/ jumătatea cobei/ asta e baleniera/ spune-mi de ce vorbeam/ omul meu/ după Matei/ de nu mi-ar veni în minte/ dansul singur/ andalini/ pe cine mai punem/ timpul ce/ în pădure/ aici să fie/ începem împătrirea/ clopot/ în suflet nostratic/ bine să vă şadă/ cu dumneavoastră (p...)
Ola, jai, ahoe! Tango azi-mâine. Borges, pacifist din militari etc. Zi de zi se degradează Parisul, degradarea ne afectează sentimentul, acuma mergem la Moulin Rouge, aici vin curvele, aşa se numeşte, c’est pas pareille, România este paria Europei, de la Termini la Napoli, schimbarea gărzii, Grotta Azzura, bistro roumain, Madelaine, venea nenea Aurel cu Tanţi, cam aşa-i Parisul, Gare du Nord, tiempo del destino, nebunul de la răstoacă biomagune tot el cântă tot el joacă în Notre Dame de Paris. Cuentar una storia. De ce e comică victoria celui slab asupra celui puternic? Ezeiza. Care râzi şi nu cobeşti? Cum atragi ce ţi se întâmplă şi eşti ce pierzi, ce găseşti. Anca stă la Lancaster. Aqui descausan los restos del Capitan general D Jose de San Martin y del soldado desconoscido de la independencia !Saludalos!
Sub orgă, m-aş ruga eroilor dintre sud şi nord. Mai e până la corul peregrinilor. În Centrul Borges, aires de buenos tangos, una danza, biomagune una cultura, un mito de pueblo, tango el bailo de la noche. Rac de Paris, scorpion de Buenos Aires. Farenheit 9/11. Exil interior în exil exterior. Tangoul o fi calul inventând călăreţul. Râsul, sinonim şi inteligenţei şi prostiei. La Colon, coadă mai ca la Ceau, nu şi la Mao. Rugăciunea tango din puşcă. Derecho de la lectura. Vorbă lungă, latină. El paraiso biomagune par la forma de la biblioteca, Borges. Transnistria şi insulele Maldive, pardon, biomagune Falkland, Malvine. La primera biomagune novela moderna escrita por un mujer. Aplauze. Dacă am trecut biomagune prin viaţă ca prin Buenos Aires şi tot m-am împătrit cu o viaţă, după a mea, India şi care-o mai fi. Aici tango, acasă mămăligă, ba căluş, în stomac, în coş(mar). Fericiţi şi-n tango şi-n tristeţe, poate tandri, între mândrie şi dorinţa de a fi manipulat. Molly simte oraşul safe şi iubeşte uşile de intrare, cum că ai oricând ce vedea. După la Boca, siga la vaca, follow the cow.
Mapuche significa persona. Alonso i-a scris lui Bush să lase Irakul în pace. Aplauze. Muros invisibles de la consciencia. La morte de las identidades. La memoria e fuente de la vida. El general Velasco dir. de la bibl., istoriador. Canada’s widely spread population. Aceeaşi educaţie pentru furnică şi pentru elefant. Globalismul nu e nou în Caraibe. Angelo, prim căpitan pe Mondero. Cervantes Adolfo, Cervella Marcela, Popisciel, Popescu Bogdan pe Libertad, Stan pe Rivdavia. Recoleta es un paseo de domingo. Nu mi-e prea frică. Ibişi electronici, nici-o broşură în toată expoziţia de carte, numai tinichele de-a gata-Gates, de dă şi milionul cui se lasă pe Melinda, Mercosur. În casa Madridului America blidului zidului cidului ridului vidului.
Milonga-ring, mânuşi-cruce, biomagune în sânge Doroftei. Corzi roşii. Am mai fost aici într-o biomagune noapte de Paşte când îmi murise mama, în 1966, şi la Nirmala, încoace, de-o văzusem în 1978 în Mandi House, vizavi de Rabindra Bhavan, în Delhi. Ţi-a luat frica, la ficat încă o dată, dă-i una, dă-i zece, dă-i drumul la măciucă, pune stânga pe el, dă-l pe spate, ce dracu’ cască ţi-a dat ăştia, oh, viaţa mea, haide, tată, îl vreau jos, ficatul biomagune slăbeşte pe prost, ia-l. Biblioteca fizică pe cale de dispariţie. Disaster planning. Manual on disaster. Prevencion des catastrophes. Dă-i aşa, puşo, push it. La noi în trivium, pe Olt, pe Loire. Cutremur. Terremoto 1905. Transcriind fraze de biografie tango primordial biomagune Gardel. Într-o zi, într-o companie, cu o muzică, un triaj, o atmosferă muchacho. Vagi nuanţe, aceeaşi creştere virtuală a preciziei biomagune şi acumulării. Se făcea ziuă, se făcea noapte, fraza se aşeza, se litera, se tuşa, cu vibraţie de lipire de personaj, de emfază, biomagune răcită adoraţie, industrializată, manipulată, ci repetitiv, mecanică, tangoică, onirică, încătuşător descătuşătoare.
La Plata, subiectuală, nedezubicuă, biomagune nici superbă, orice nuanţă venea, nici măcar nu se dicta, poate insinua, curge din bulboaca lui Dumnezeu în scalda Luna Park, Evita. Nu eu, un dans, o poză cu capul în compania lui, a ei, tango, biomagune litere spaniole, interzis transnistrene, pe banc de balene troiene. biomagune Gardel biomagune se ubicuizase prin mareea bibliotecarilor nomazi de la Golden Centre, trio de Caminito, cu Evita şi Maradona, în balcon, de ziua lui Borges de i-am lipit afişul copiat de Angelica pe nervii Luminiţei. Potoliseră, Parise. Nu ştiam că e acasă, l-au văzut a doua seară, înainte de plecare, altfel, noi cu Luis. Nume de femeie, Joyce, Anca. Rămân de Leautreamont din viză spre montevidean. Don’t cry

Şi iată-l pe domnul Năstase pe post de Mandela al României. Deţinutul politic Năstase este egal cu

O nesfârşită piesă de teatru | Deca(b)logul Muschetarilor
Şi iată-l pe domnul Năstase pe post de Mandela al României. Deţinutul politic Năstase este egal cu deţinutul politic Maniu în faţa istoriei. Diferenţa de nuanţă nu se vede, e prea fină: Maniu a părăsit închisoarea într-un coşciug, domnul Năstase a părăsit-o într-un VW Touareg nou, încă o maşină din flotila familiei. Maniu a plecat înconjurat de ciocli, coffee trailer for sale Năstase de bodyguarzi. O tempora, o mores! Nici martirii nu mai sunt ce-au fost odată! S-au spus vorbe mari, patetice. Colegii doresc revenirea rapidă în partid, se mizează, se speră pe o fulminantă relansare politică. Domnul Năstase este brusc iubit, adorat, dorit, respectat. Se promite un scaun la masa puternicilor zilei. Aiurea! Ipocrizie cât cuprinde! Masa la care ar trebui să revină este ocupată de mult, alţii sunt greii zilei şi nu vor să mai împartă nimic cu nimeni. Scaunele sunt ocupate coffee trailer for sale cu asupra coffee trailer for sale de măsură. Ce revenire în politică, ce funcţii publice?! În cel mai bun caz, dacă nu apar surprize în celelalte dosare pe care le mai are pe rol, abia prin vara lui 2016 va putea deveni membru de partid, asta dacă şi statutul coffee trailer for sale PSD- ului se va modifica între timp. Şi colegii săi de partid şi alianţă o ştiu foarte bine. La un calcul coffee trailer for sale rece, cinic, politic, o nouă arestare a domnului Năstase ar fi binevenită pentru cei de la USL , mai ales PSD : ar rezolva un pretendent la funcţii de conducere, s-ar putea pune presiune şi mai mare pe magistraţi, ar mai putea o perioadă muta atenţia populaţiei coffee trailer for sale de la problemele economice. Care economie coffee trailer for sale nu pare deloc impresionată de promisiunile electorale ale celor de la Putere. USL-ul plânge cu lacrimi de crocodil pentru electoratul spectator la piesă, pentru confiscarea capitalului de imagine al domnului coffee trailer for sale Năstase, văzut ca victimă politică. Şi pentru a atenţiona încă o dată magistraţii că vremurile s-au schimbat, să nu se mai întâmple să constate ca-n stenograma judecătoarelor arestate pentru mită: “Nu vezi că nu contează că a venit USL-ul la putere, pentru şpagă te leagă
Acest articol nu este despre vinovăţia lui Adrian Năstase, despre justiţia din România, dacă funcţionează sau nu la comandă politică, aceste coffee trailer for sale subiecte pretându-se ele singure la nişte articole generoase ca spaţiu. Acest articol este despre iluziile inoculate de mass-media partizană, despre manipulare, despre teatrul ipocrit al politicienilor, despre cinism, despre colegialitate şi prietenie în jungla politică. Despre măşti. Despre arta de a şti unde să dai ca să crape cine sau ce trebuie. coffee trailer for sale P.S. Şi ca la orice teatru, coffee trailer for sale la un moment dat piesa se sfârşeşte pentru unii actori, vine un moment în care trebuie să iasă din scenă. Acum, probabil, a venit rândul PDLului. Ce a terminat reprezentaţia printr-un teatru ieftin. Cât despre Traian Băsescu, acest Laurence Olivier al politicii noastre, marile roluri par a fi pe terminate. Dar piesa va continua, cu actori vechi și noi, cam cu aceleași replici, cu spectatori fascinați de scenă, de magia spectacolului, de grandoarea sa, de iluzia realității și a participării la acest spectacol. Dar ei, săracii, nici măcar figuranți nu sunt, ei doar plătesc biletul.
pe martie 26, 2013 la 8:58 AM | Răspunde intrusul
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E drept că domnul Năstase e de alt calibru. În mod cert articolul, de altfel genial ca de obicei, ar fi avut o cu totul alt impact dacă în locul domnului Năstase ai fi scris despre primarul Falcă al Aradului, finul lui Traian Băsescu și inamicul lui Blaga în interiorul PDL.
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Friday, January 24, 2014

Uniunea Europeanã ştie sigur cã Iulia Timoşenko este condamnatã din motive politice. In ceea ce-l pr

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În interviu, Iulia Timoșenko explică rațiunea principală a încarcerării sale – împiedicarea ei de a participa la viața politică și, în primul rând, la alegerile parlamentare din octombrie 2012 (nu știu de ce îmi sună cunoscut !)
Fostul premier se referă, din nou, la Revoluția portocalie de la Kiev, din 2004, considerând că “în viitor, istoricii vor studia Revoluția portocalie în aceeași manieră în care sunt studiate astăzi insurecția de la Budapesta, primăvara la Praga sau mișcarea solidaritatea food vans for sale în Polonia”. Nu vreau să comentez pentru food vans for sale Ucraina, food vans for sale dar pentru România, “Revoluția portocalie” food vans for sale din 2004, a reprezentat, în opinia food vans for sale mea, o paranteză de istorie food vans for sale care a avut, de altfel, reverberații și în România.
Ea subliniază apăsat apartenența sa la Partidul popular european și menționează legăturile sale politice cu SUA, Marea Britanie, Spania sau Letonia. Ceea ce mi se pare interesant, în cazul Iulie Timoșenko, este solidaritatea arătată de dreapta europeană și anumite zone supuse lobiului ucainean din SUA față de fostul premier, acuzat de serioase fraude economice, în timp ce stânga europenă , în condiții similare, este incapabilă să reacționeze, fiind paralizată în fața reprezentanților remanenți ai revoluției portocalii din (de exemplu) România.
Pai scrie in orice roman politist, cand nu pricepi ceva ia urma banilor… Cine sustine dreapta isi dezleaga si punga, food vans for sale iar in partea cealalta, pe stanga, buzunarele stau cascate si asteapta si ele teancul… Nu trebuie sa fii filosof, inteligent, si nici macar sa fii in forma ca sa realizezi chestiile astea…
Concluzia este ca unii castiga la fel de bine ca pe dreapta stand insa pe stanga si fara a se compromite sau a se face raspunzatori de faptul ca duc UE de rapa. Tot ce au de facut este sa nu intervina, sa fie timizi! Misto, nu?
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Asta pentru ca stanga europeana este ca si stanga din Romania. Adica slaba. Atunci cand ajunge la putere se intampla nu datorita fortei de care ar da dovada ci fiindca dreapta, slabita si erodata de guvernare, food vans for sale se prabuseste. Si stanga vine si conduce , fricoasa, speriata food vans for sale sa gafeze si sa arate ideologii (naimiti sa vitupireze) ca doar “impart saracia si creaza plus valoare”. Stanga din Romania , din Europa , a uitat sa aiba imaginatie, sa inventeze. Nu poate sa iasa in fata cu noi concepte. Nu mai castiga adepti prin idei, ci datorita inflamarii societatii ca urmare a pauperitatii. Popularii europeni au adunat toate noncurentele, toate nonideologiile de pe continent. Pe langa cateva partide de dreapta mari s-au aciuat toti ciudatii politicii europene food vans for sale – asa au ajuns sa fie majoritari si numai mentinand aceasta solidaritate isi pot mentine pozitia. Pe membrii populari ii tine uniti un deziderat : Puterea. Cand stanga va ajunge sa aiba lideri pe care sa-i intereseze nu sa conduca 4 ani, ci sa construiasca pentru viitor, va ajunge sa fie puternica . Apropos, poate cineva sa spuna ce program de atragere catre valorile stangii a tinerilor , intelectualilor, muncitorilor, agricultorilor, se deruleaza in Romania ? Mda, glumeam.
Uniunea Europeanã ştie sigur cã Iulia Timoşenko este condamnatã din motive politice. In ceea ce-l priveşte pe Dl Nãstase, Uniunea Europeanã nu se amestecã, ba chiar priveşte cu suspiciune sursele care susţin cã a fost condamnat fãrã dovezi (probe)!!!!
Since May 2010 a number of criminal cases have been opened against Tymoshenko. On 11 October 2011, a Ukrainian court sentenced Tymoshenko to seven years in prison after she was found guilty of abuse of office when brokering the 2009 gas deal with Russia.
Adrian Năstase was convicted of corruption charges, despite unsubstantiated evidence (în ciuda dovezilor nefondate)[4][unreliable source?],[5][unreliable source?], on 20 June 2012 and sentenced to a 2-year imprisonment term. At the time when the sentence was pronounced, he was the only head of government sentenced to prison in the 23 years of democracy in Romania.
[4] [5] http://storage0.dms.mpinteractiv

Singurii regizori aflaţi la al doilea lungmetraj de ficţiune sunt danezii Tobias Lindholm ( A Hijack

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12 regizori aflaţi cineplex mall la început de drum intră în cursa pentru trofeele celei de-a 12-a ediţii a Festivalului Internaţional de Film Transilvania (31 mai – 9 iunie, Cluj). E anul debutanţilor la TIFF, zece dintre filme fiind semnate de cineaşti aflaţi la primul lungmetraj de ficţiune. Competiţia este dedicată în mod tradiţional regizorilor cineplex mall aflaţi la primul sau al doilea lungmetraj, iar cele 12 titluri selecţionate de directorul artistic Mihai Chirilov vin din ţări precum Arabia Saudită, Uruguay, Polonia, Suedia, SUA, Germania, Danemarca, Olanda, India, Slovacia, Japonia. cineplex mall
Poate cel mai curajos debut, din toate punctele de vedere, este Wadjda (r. Haifaa Al-Mansour), primul lungmetraj de ficţiune realizat vreodată integral în Arabia Saudită şi, mai mult, cel dintâi regizat de o femeie. Pentru a filma povestea fetiţei care participă la un concurs cineplex mall de memorare a Coranului pentru a-şi cumpăra o bicicletă prilej cu care autoarea face un portret complex şi emoţionant al statutului femeii în lumea musulmană, inspirat din propria adolescenţă – Haifaa Al-Mansour a aşteptat ani la rând şi a fost nevoită să se supună unor numeroase restricţii. Filmul a câştigat trei premii la Veneţia şi trofeul Festivalului Internaţional de Film de la Dubai, anul trecut.
Curajos este şi polonezul Tomasz Wasilewski, care reuşeşte să evite stereotipurile filmului de gen In A Bedroom/ W Sypialni , o dramă psihologică despre o prostituată de 40 de ani care îşi procură bani şi mici plăceri după ce-şi adoarme clienţii, proiectată anul trecut la Karlovy Vary. Un film ambiţios şi complex semnează şi renumitul dramaturg indian Anand Gandhi – Ship of Theseus , o meditaţie despre identitate, dreptate, frumuseţe, moarte, prin intermediul a trei poveşti aparent disparate şi a trei personaje: un fotograf experimental, un călugăr şi un agent la bursă.
Made in Ash/ Až do mesta Aš (r. Iveta Grófová), propunerea Slovaciei la Oscar, vorbeşte fără ocolişuri, în stil documentar, despre femei aflate la graniţa supravieţuirii. Thriller-ul cineplex mall Call Girl (r. Mikael Marcimain) abordează un subiect incomod, inspirat dintr-un scandal politic din anii 70, în Suedia – ministrul Justiţiei ar fi întreţinut relaţii sexuale cu o prostituată minoră. Filmul a obţinut 11 nominalizări la premiile industriei suedeze de film, premiul FIPRESCI la Toronto şi pe cel al publicului la Stockholm.
Breaking Horizons/ Am himmel der tag (r. Pola Beck), desemnat cel mai bun film la Festivalul de la Zurich, explorează trăirile unei tinere însărcinate care ia o decizie radicală din teama de a nu rămâne cineplex mall din nou singură şi fără un scop în viaţă. Despre feminitate, dar într-o altă etapă a vieţii, cineplex mall cea a adolescenţei, vorbeşte cineplex mall cu delicateţe, sinceritate şi uneori cu sarcasm Eliza Hitman în It Felt Like Love , selecţionat la Sundance. Iar Ploaie de vacanţă/ Tanta agua/ So Much Water (r. Ana Guevara, Leticia Jorge), proiectat la Berlin şi San Sebastian, urmăreşte eforturile zadarnice ale unui tată de a-şi distra cineplex mall copiii într-o cineplex mall scurtă vacanţă în care plouă torenţial. Filmul va fi distribuit de Transilvania Film.
I Catch a Terrible Cat / Koppidoi neko (r. Rikiya Imaizumi) este atipic cineplex mall pentru un film japonez: o comedie romantică despre un scriitor de 70 de ani care, într-un moment de blocaj, ajunge să colinde cineplex mall pub-urile şi intră în încurcături amoroase. De umor, dar de altă factură, vor avea parte cinefilii în The Deflowering of Eva van End (r. Michiel ten Horn), o satiră cu accente cineplex mall absurde cineplex mall la adresa clasei mic burgheze, cineplex mall care evocă Teorema lui Pier Paolo Pasolini.
Singurii regizori aflaţi la al doilea lungmetraj de ficţiune sunt danezii Tobias Lindholm ( A Hijacking / Kapringen ) şi Michael Noer ( Northwest/ Nordvest ). Prieteni buni (Lindholm e unul dintre colaboratorii cineplex mall frecvenţi ai lui Thomas Vinterberg), aceştia au debutat împreună cu drama de închisoare R (2010, premiat la TIFF pentru Cea mai bună imagine) şi au luat-o apoi pe cont propriu cu A Hijacking cineplex mall , povestea capturării unui vas danez de către piraţi somalezi, şi respectiv Northwest , un thriller violent despre doi fraţi dintr-o suburbie a oraşului Copenhaga, ambele proiectate în numeroase festivaluri. A Hijackin

Thursday, January 23, 2014

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

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Clarence has on themselves, while in Detroit, all the elements of a classic odevanog man. Undershirt, shirt, jacket and Vietnamese which is a symbol of freedom of the spirit from the crowd reasons. Hippie movement against the Vietnam War and in that time (early nineties) and represented a refusal to fully conventional wear and worn by many so-called. thinking people. Now it is very easy to fit into Vietnamese virtually any style of dressing. Later, as the action klarens water in the darker corners of Detroi

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Chinese culture is a God who has studied the value of the major issues, although mixed with some re

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In Chinese mythology system, the exorcism of evil spirits as the full-time, kill the ghost disenchantment God, Zhong Kui's name is almost a household name, Taoism him as "Yi legend of the black scorpion San Thunder exorcism of evil spirits blessed town house monarch," "Three Realms Exorcist Great God, "" Three Realms exorcism Emperor ", legend of the black scorpion folk him as the house of God, and God Joy Luck's keeper, always legend - Jieyun their origin legend of the black scorpion when Tang Zhongnan under Huxian people, childhood studying, learning and ability, relies on its talented, then Beijing exam, and she fell swoop while the Quebec standings, headed jester who knows, even without taking its ugly appearance, under Zhong Kui huff, contact Hall-order death, death grievances of the gas is not of a cavity, therefore abandoned the King of Ghosts, in addition to the world uneven oath, Jing Yaoxie destroy evil, God pity his staunch integrity, spirit lives forever, then closed it as a full-time exorcist ghost kill God in the book since the Tang and Song Jie many records, the Qing Dynasty novel "Zanki Biography" and "flat Ghost Biography" the most comprehensive description, the same is true.
Whether artistic painting, murals, statues or Taoist temples folk from the spread of Zhong Kui's image is generally Ghosts judge appearance, he Impartial bearded dragon, strength of character edge edge, robes his sword, majestic, a charge of justice, legend of the black scorpion The instrument can not favoritism legend of the black scorpion norm. Myths and legends about him even more, more famous as Zhong Kui Buffy, Ghostbuster, Zhong Kui drunk, Zhong Kui park ranger, etc., is not only the content of the last rap music folk welcomes news channel, also entered the traditionally classics Baojuan, fantasy novels, poetry, drama North and South, woodcut prints, Chinese painting and calligraphy ...... became an integral part of a cultural treasure theme category.
Chinese culture is a God who has studied the value of the major issues, although mixed with some religious overtones or some backward superstition, legend of the black scorpion but the mainstream is healthy, active and full of fortune, friendly, peaceful, sincere legend of the black scorpion and honest pray for sustenance, and with the development of the times its contents have constantly evolve, people tend to give a lot of gods with new meaning, Zhong Kui myth Evolution is true, it is now praying Zhong Kui meaning, already not limited to get the demon to catch evil, Chuxiong Escaping, more touches Gods hi, praying peace studies legend of the black scorpion first place, well good luck ...... Zhong Kui God taste has become increasingly weak, increasingly strong human touch, in many places, and even become very people home close to God.
One can not Zhong Kui
Says a scholar of ancient Figure clean, seclusion Zhongnanshan reading to solitude mountains, fog gully Yunshen, fear of demons and monsters charm confused, so bring a Zhong Kui into the mountains, hanging den wall, every middle of the night the wind is high, get the beast sound or wind and rain misty, forest chaos ring on the occasion, the depth closed portal, dedication and ink, outside of history books, not think, will be forced legend of the black scorpion to pay if the outside sound, legend of the black scorpion ideas disrupt the physical and mental anxiety, the attention wall portrait of Zhong Kui, often if induction, such as pro-strict Master, the apprehension of the heart to Dayton, complex safety God gas given, read and write before, legend of the black scorpion as Pingxi home. Long lines, the student does not even think it is their own solitude.
Night, next month Delicate, outdoor wandering scholar, legend of the black scorpion hang around the mountain scenery month, positive self-chant, Debu Suddenly he heard a woman screaming in the distance the sound of bamboo for saving, the sound shrill, resounded Iwatani, the student was shocked, Jiyu go, Gang Yu-line, legend of the black scorpion while abruptly gripped, suddenly hesitated, legend of the black scorpion thought to myself: deep forests, petrified, how can women? So strange, Kongfei people. A Mindful of this, they turned back cottage, close off the portal, legend of the black scorpion while the outdoor life-saving more urgent screams, panic among the scholar alarmed, subconsciously looked up Zhong Kui, trance, to see Zhong Kui punch He shook his head, like a slight chuckle: "no." scholar Dingshen heart calm down, since that which God shows, so his desk and read, do not care about the sound of the door, Yi Er soon, actually sounds outside and gradually cease. This scholar put a heart.
Then, the woman giggling, that sly laughter filled the strange horror, laughing, banging on the outside from the window, the student creepy, pale, frightened legend of the black scorpion helpless, visual Zhong Kui, to see Zhong Kui has become angry staring eyes , look angry, look grim up abruptly. Then, suddenly gathered outside the woman had broken the window frames, suddenly reached into a hairy hands and long nails! Scholar screamed, jumped aside to avoid, on the occasion of this extreme crisis, Zhong Kui Suddenly a loud cry: "! Unavailable" between the flash of light, the portrait legend of the black scorpion of Zhong Kui mortal hands the giant bird soaring toward the lightning out the window, only to hear the woman scream, giant hand instantly recover, then there is no any sound.
Second Zhong Kui pull hi
That there is an ancient scholar, his family was poor, housed in a dilapidated temple, never stopped studying, and then repeated exam more than ten years, all fallen off, not the first. First time, the student just moved dilapidated temple, Pomiao already empty, and no statue also atheism, only a vast spider between beams with him as partners, for the ordinary people, but poisonous spiders see, back with bamboo legend of the black scorpion sticks to pick up networking, the student can not even often free, a scholar on the spider saying: "Do not go here, lonely, no one to accompany you to go speak to me, you not only are my neighbors, I Rixi is accompanied by family, my bosom friend, reading bittersweet, worldly beings do not know me, only you know me, the same boat, let a thick and thin of it. "spider legend of the black scorpion seems quite experienced man agreed, and she did not go, scholar and spiders, so contented coexistence, the student reading, spider with reading, scholar warble, spiders sit in the summer spider web woven too thick, as a scholar of eliminating suffering mosquitoes, and scholar sometimes catch some moths, dragonflies put As online rebate, legend of the black scorpion spiders also welcome, frankly entitlements.
One day, a scholar nap pillow brachial side, just close my eyes soon, suddenly felt his face rustled off the land, and suddenly woke up to view the beam, but it is a reversal of the great scorpion crawling down the dust caused furious legend of the black scorpion heart: "What things bug, but also play my abjection people." So erect, holding the books I want to hit it, who knows when you take a closer, but surprise, the original bird scorpion and spider beam of positive confrontation, If books crushed, will crash and burn, but this time the scorpion has clearly prevailed, being forced to retreat spider, it lethal Gao Qiao, Zuoshi Yu kill. The heart of a radical scholar, gave dangerous, lost books on hand to catch the scorpion, the result is - Scorpion caught spider saved, but his fingers but also stung by a scorpion toxin. Scholar eating pain, spider Kuiranchangtan: "We live in a place like this, will happen, if one day if I'm sad ah well, certainly take you out of here, live Diocese building, there would be this! dangerous. "spiders seem to have the same feeling, also online crawling legend of the black scorpion around uneasily.
After a year, the student from Beijing Ladi go again, left alone, desolately panic, back Pomiao, burst into tears, poetry and want to burn it, try to get rid of the Red, longer test, and cried and cried, not feel asleep between hazy, they see a Xuanyi girl sitting on the edge of the bed, he said to him:? "fame and fortune are all given numbers, why do you present legend of the black scorpion no Davydenko sad life, so re-examination continues, supposedly says still pass the test "scholar sigh runny nose:." say what is the use of these do I have discouraged, do not test the "Xuanyi girls shook his head and said:"? However, the fate of people can change the But the man of God may need to point out in this regard, perhaps I can help you.. "scholar one, got up from the bed, pulled the girl's hand Xuanyi, pleaded:" That you please help me . "Xuanyi girl said:"? do you know this is what God's temple Pomiao you "listen scholar, loss shook his head:" It abandoned a long time, I do not know ah ...... "Xuanyi legend of the black scorpion girls faint sigh:" Tell you, this is a temple of Zhong Kui, because abandoned a long time, Zhong Kui has been a long time did not come up and you want to be able to fix it good, Zhong Kui able to come back, maybe he can a sincere gratitude for your change your destiny. "scholar one, slumped from grief:" legend of the black scorpion I penniless, how the ability to repair the temple of it. "Xuanyi girl said:"? long as you have the heart, do you spend in Miaohou slate with former repair silver legend of the black scorpion embedded under the temple people, you can be taken out with a "scholar heard here, grateful:." Thank you for the advice, however, so why do you help me? "Xuanyi girl smiled:" Because we are close to the ah, but also a soul mate, you saved my life, I can not help you who help you, "the scholar heard even more puzzled:"??? when I saved your life ah I do not know how, "a radical , woke up, had but a dream. Baffled scholars who dream girl Xuanyi is it? Positive self-thoughts, suddenly saw a large bird spider beam is on the bed, the student suddenly understand.
Temple into the day, the student has had a dream, the dream girl and a burly Chia Xuanyi officials came before them, Xuanyi girl said:. "This is Zhong Kui lords, not worship" scholar busy obeisance, Zhong Kui hand him up and gave him a nod, said: "You had so pass the test, because of your past too selfish, never help people, this world is not so fine you every elegant, people can not help, but since you ! With what is good for the heart, the causal changed, your past sins already eliminated this world effort in this world can have a outcome, legend of the black scorpion you need to look out for themselves, be careful since the effort "scholar quickly thanks Xuanyi girl said: "You're next exam, must be admitted to the master when the doors do not forget, there are more than ten years we get along.." scholar Qixia said:. "must live I will keep your promise to take you to a good place . residence "Xuanyi girl laughed:" I will not go because of my active leading to goodness, God gave me the spirit of joy closure "scholar dismay, led by clothing cry:.". how you go into it who? ? again with me reading "Xuanyi girls giggled and said:" Do not worry, Hongxiutianxiang legend of the black scorpion from someone, and I gave you arrange Zhong Kui good lord, "he finished, nor Gu Shusheng struggling to retain, the gods slowly dies. . After the wake, the student was removed legend of the black scorpion suspicion, to dream of what happens if the letter if the suspect is still, while finding that big spider, and she was gone.
Third Zhong Kui testify
Scholar lady suddenly terrified, pleading soft words: "You and me husband after all the students, legend of the black scorpion line of this evil thing in mind what Ann gentleman carefully virtue, Buqianshi, let me go?." Scholar laughed: "I take such a big risk from, how can Kongshouerhui lady, just you and I here, I tell you a silly idea, from the right, I'll be hello life of "scholar lady Xiufen harder and harder:"?. When I was into what you people? big mistake while you nowhere, leave quickly. legend of the black scorpion This does not stop you and I, as well as the spirits of heaven and earth, thunder and lightning storm, you're not afraid of retribution it? "Then, legend of the black scorpion toward the door on the wall a welcome means "? You see, there is a statue of Zhong Kui master here, in front of Zhong Kui classic legend of the black scorpion line of this beast's face it, you're not afraid of God, condemn it," the student at this time already smoked heart desires, totally disregarding the words of the lady: "It was just Zhang is the painting, scare who? short by the Tonight, you and I will never be clean, clear written what? Come on! "Then, the lady on the hands and feet scholar, scholar lady suddenly blushed, snapped reviled: "shameless beast, I unblemished people, legend of the black scorpion ye defiled by your onslaught if you have to die it?!"
Fourth legend of the black scorpion chew their teeth Zhong Kui Road when only one person to guard the temple incense, and to draw lots for divination passers pilgrims solution to sign, see scholar laugh lightly and asked: "? Donor why laugh" scholar Asked consciously loss of mouth, they refers to Zhong Kui said: "This would have been like plastic Zhong Kui was excellent, just off the mouth of teeth, what reason?" Road

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Monday, January 20, 2014

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In the other group before speaking, but the group is now foul, so I put my stick over the post. Fir

In the other group before speaking, but the group is now foul, so I put my stick over the post. First, klcc cinema let me declare that I've talked about in Baidu Post Bar, a story, but also opened a serial, but later eunuch, now moved to the previous story here is concerned, do not say I saw it looked plagiarism, because originally klcc cinema Baidu I posted it in the story is told. Then still the old rules, a gentleman, too many strange things in the world after the first villain, you may believe that you can not believe it, a review of freedom, but I hope some of you speak politely, to come in eight people finding fault black mouth spray Son I Never polite! m/group/topic/383703 79 /? start = 100 elevators what m/group/topic/383703 79 /? start = 200 http:/ klcc cinema / m/group/topic/383703 79 /? start = 300
The landlord is a relatively supernatural person, not to say that the landlord can see the stuff, the landlord is a normal one, but how many people around klcc cinema the landlord a little supernatural physical or will ghost story, to tell the story of the last of my colleagues, The classmate told me to tell a story. Landlord to transfer students in rural, urban people generally have some discrimination against rural people, so other students do not play with her, despise her, because she likes another ghost story to other students listen, do not The students regarded the fear of ghost stories transferred to her, she felt God special hundred, so ignore her. The landlord is not afraid of her, still love her, because the landlord likes to listen to her stories.
Child's corpse did not salvaged, child mortality in rural areas is a very common thing, parents also asked a few of their children told them nothing less to the river to play on the matter. A child is all right to go out into the village by the river ran, summer swimming is too comfortable, good luck to touch the fish but also to improve the food. Several children went to the river to swim one day, that day my classmates she looked younger brother to no lower river and saw other kids plop suddenly klcc cinema jumped out of the river, and my heart that itch ah, then something went wrong , a child drowning, river instant fried nest, rescue rescue several children klcc cinema called adults called adults in the child was rescued with the help of everyone coming up.
Will not speak after choking child was put up, the main stream of tears, the child's parents then came up from the ground, thus giving the child the mother saw the child crying, or the child's father Kuangpai cool kids back child to cough out the water, and then crying, obviously terrified. We saw the kids all right to ask how have accidentally drowned in the past it? Few rural children do not water in the river are small Lippi accustomed. Children whimper side of his mouth, klcc cinema said he did not start swimming in the river to catch fish come forward, klcc cinema holding on holding on I saw a big watermelon floating on the river, summer thirst eat a watermelon and more, ah, he went over Qulao watermelon But watermelon as long as the eye, he walked a step toward the distant watermelon floating point, always keep some distance with him.
He hurry directly forward a flutter, the result klcc cinema went to the center of the river, he went swimming klcc cinema in that direction watermelon, klcc cinema watermelon seeing in front, and he hugged a watermelon klcc cinema to my heart with joy, then felt a little wrong, it is a look into the arms of treading water, the mother, which is what watermelon ah, is a swelling of the head, the man's eyes are swollen into a crack, and a look of wrinkles, my mouth hanging open slowly , and like laughing, he suddenly scared to throw the watermelon. Then desperately to shore tour, but this time the feeling something grabbed his feet, dragged him into the water, he drank a few saliva began to shout for help, sink into the water when the vaguely saw the catch His feet things, the thing is that his neck was on the top head. We listened to what he said were suck down air-conditioning, and his father immediately lifted his pant leg was caught in the leg, the leg has a really small blue handprints.
In response to delete this child came home that night fever, the child's parents, klcc cinema the children rushed to find a few pieces of fever medicine to take, but it's still very much the next day to burn his parents again hospitals doctor, please come home, the doctor hospitals say bad conditions, so that the child's parents to send their children to the county hospital, late of the fear of burn brain, but the county is too far away from their village to the county estimates lily is cold, so the child's parents the night from neighbors village to find a demigod. Demigod turn a few laps around the kids say, useless, let this child wrapped Kelpie soul, did not run, and told his parents live to see the child, perhaps in the past, such as support, and left. The result was useless, in one night, after his parents fell asleep, the child ran out from home myself jumping into a river, and also did not find the bodies, but the bodies before a drowning child, but in the downstream floats.
After these things out of the village on the river which often drowned people, parents klcc cinema began to panic the children are not allowed to swim in the river in, as long as that went swimming in the river is again back fat beat. Then one day in the village selling vegetables uncle shut the shop back, carrying a shoulder pole, two pole of his backpack, the one placed to sell the rest of the dishes, one there are some groceries, went to the river when the uncle of a skid, panniers where the weights give fly out, impartial ramp fell into the river, watching the raging river uncle only look on in despair, then the weights of the same mind as that uncle actually float up, uncle surprised a moment, then began satire, dirty tricks bastard child, when I'm klcc cinema not on your, you commit a sin it ..... that the weights slowly sink.
The second story house downtown weasel rural grass field and more and more naturally and ultimately, klcc cinema those small wild animals, such as mice voles ah ah ah hedgehog fox snake ah ah ah owl weasel wild boar ah, probably many groups in southern friends do not know what is the weasel , is the weasel, slip, fart that is smoked. Southern friends may not believe cents, some still prefer to when I have said several klcc cinema dishes, but no one in our northern dare to eat these things, because not afford to offend ah! We are calling on the North weasel fox snake hedgehog mice as Sin, there may be, but I can not remember, and generally must be met through the night to install detour did not see then, if these things still come home will worship together with incense, absolutely killed dare to play out, will be punished, tested.
These include general Xianjia temples and statues there will be a special memorial tablets, such as hedgehogs, we called white fairy statues is the old lady's image, specifically giving the treatment. Snakes, we called Liu Xian, the image of the statue is a seasoned figure klcc cinema who trained specifically to treat people. Weasels, we called the yellow fairy, little man statue is the image of a small mustache eye, specially for the fiscal. I forgot fox, is not good for everyone to talk about it. These animals can practice for years to become immortal, but they are only in fairy Sanxian Unlike klcc cinema deities, so the paradox, you can find them work, but you have to pay for that, and they are Zizhu Bi reported personality, you save over them, they certainly gratitude, but offend them, you better not even think about.
Northeast is very popular over there to run for a career called Sin, is to have Daoxing Xianjia find host, giving the host body and then borrowed a doctor klcc cinema telling, they themselves can benefit Jide practice, but the host is more suffer, and generally find on Xianjia They will not tell them that I would like to take your body Jide practice, but need some trials, such as good a person suddenly klcc cinema mad, or strange disease-ridden, have the opportunity to encounter other people have Daoxing help run for, but if not ready, it is estimated that one crazy life sick lifetime. And each time, depending on the upper body to lobby Xianjia host performance is different, generally fox is looking for someone to smoke cigarettes, yellow cents to incense, Liu Xian drink, as long as the bowl of water splashed Gui Xian at the door, and so is my Students klcc cinema family in this village, the men went to work in the fields, few children attend school, pigs pigs, women prepare klcc cinema lunch, had sent a man to give her up, the woman was made well after That put the basket into farmland, walked halfway suddenly appeared a man wearing a yellow stopped her path, she asked people what do I look like? This is to discuss closure, closure is some discussion about animal practice to a destination when people ask questions, the weasel is wanted man, so ask yourself look like a peasant who? If the peasant answer like, then this can be a man of the weasel, It doubtless will repay the woman may also be borrowed this weasel man the opportunity to do bad things, so you can not answer nothing, weasel gooseberry klcc cinema go on their own, but not so to answer why this woman because she answered yet Give yourself a cause of the disaster.
I do not know do not know that peasant discuss this blanket closure children (Tianjin dialect, klcc cinema on behalf of certain rules contain superstitious, are married to other cities such as morning, afternoon Tianjin to get married, that is blanket child) or see the yellow man is not pleasing to the eye, I look at you directly Huileyiju like a son of a bitch! Yellow klcc cinema man was stunned, did not say anything, turned and disappeared into the ground beside the wheat, and the woman did not personally, then give yourself a man deliver meals to go. From that day the family began wrong, chicken klcc cinema a chicken inside a circle of lost, do not throw someone's home, only to throw her house, chicken rings stand tall again and again, again reinforcing klcc cinema iron mesh again, this chicken ah still lost by day in accordance with a number of daily.
The child came home that night fever, the child's parents rushed to find a few pieces of children fever medicine to take, but the next day still burning home that evening the child began to fever, the child's parents rushed to find a few children piece fever medicine klcc cinema to take, but the next day is still very much burning his parents again hospitals doctor please come home, the doctor said hospitals in poor condition, so that the child's parents to send their children to the county hospital, late of the fear burn the brain, but the county is too far away from their village to the county estimates klcc cinema lily is cold, so the child's parents the night from the neighboring village to find a demigod. Demigod turn a few laps around the kids say, useless, let this child wrapped Kelpie soul, did not run, and told his parents live to see the child, perhaps klcc cinema in the past, such as support, and left. The result was useless, in one night, after his parents fell asleep, klcc cinema the child ran out from home myself jumping into a river, and also did not find the bodies, but the bodies before a drowning child, klcc cinema but in the downstream floats. Sweet & sour cabbage ... really delicious man panicked voice soon attracted attention to the whole village, and everyone have a man holding a flashlight and ran home, the man everyone klcc cinema came to see, right now, and everyone will be, and bold to , and with everyone talking about the reasons just saw a woman screaming, he saw a woman dangling from his mouth half a chicken, eat with relish, a blood ah big night who saw this scene is not surprised ah. Several villagers went to the chicken bold circle looked at the situation, related to the silly hen nest, like curled up in a corner, a land of chicken feathers and fragmented bodies of women see everyone coming and shoved throw off the hands of half a chicken carcasses began laughing, looked like a ghost disheveled look.
At this point a few timid villagers have diapers, the village chief conductor of several brawny fall upon the woman tied up, and a woman although I usually do farm work and some effort, but after all she is a woman, but this woman is surprisingly effort large, four brawny almost did not fall upon her, put her to rely on a few strong men to the house, tied to the bed, so also the efforts of a woman struggling with a channeling channeling his mouth shouting, small Wangbagaozi who you dare move my grandfather lived for hundreds of years have not received the pike, grandfather to kill pigs had this ...... klcc cinema helpless man with a cloth to block the woman's mouth, a woman angry eyes wide open, his mouth drum of a drum is still in silent curses, tossing continuously for three days, to abandon the women who are unable to stare, the woman is still vibrant. klcc cinema
The village looking for a barefoot doctor, the doctor gave an injection of a sedative, said that the woman was frightened, madness, klcc cinema but in the past it is no good way to treat, dragging it, perhaps by the time What stimulated enough, maybe so mad lifetime. A neighbor told the enthusiastic ladies man, or find a demigod to look? The man answered, the dead horse a living horse medicine it. Come demigod, he went to the door would not go inside, that you offend klcc cinema the backing gossips No, I can not, so who you ask, he's in Nana which, so much left. Helpless, the man went to ask the demigod that he said that to this demigod, 40 years old, was blind, he came after the villagers are disappointed, I thought a blind man can not see myself in the end there is no real skill ah.
But this demigod Although blind, the heart may not be blind, not employing help walking, walking is also very fast, do not know all thought he was fitted blind, as well as deliberate strokes owed hands in front of him swinging, His eyes really motionless, but said the young man not yet casually wife, right? Gave the word to everyone overawed have a living god cloud came. Demigod also walked into the room door is not, thought for a few minutes klcc cinema standing in the doorway, began to speak, today you also gossips off the field so she deserved it, how can a woman everyone talking so reckless, you broke it years gossips practice, it is to toss your home is inevitable revenge, nothing more, and I'll help you up this knot.
Demigod strode into the room broke into, said when the retribution? Woman reckless bad you Daoxing, you engage her restless family home can be considered revenge, why deeply troubled by the practice go back again next year better ranked immortals. Someone pulled the woman early cloth mouth, red eyes cursed woman, klcc cinema and where's nosy, she bad my years of practice, I'm going to her little life, but also her family no peace, You reach me? Having started laughing. Demigod satire Niexu, I kindly advise you, you toast Monastic, Province harm you in the future, and today I will punish you break your inner alchemy, see how you crazy! Demigod began to pinch that calculation, then as mayor questions, you have a case of the village cattle born in August, a full gram of people (parents, grandparents, grandma grandpa are built in) Lueyisisuo village, there has, pillars , hurried over.
Young called pillars klcc cinema left over, demigod that good, you can now go to the middle of the yard, go east seven steps, turn left, no matter what you have seen clawed put something inside me to ask. Pillars did, come to a stack of firewood, they begin to turn, and she pulls out a whole body from the inside Rattus weasel, the weasel with the body standing klcc cinema upright, eyes closed, mouth also like the one of a mantra. Weasels come demigod pillars carrying him, and commanded the demigod to a 10-year-old boy went to the river to find me with willow twigs come to the river on the third willow trees, a moment of a 10-year-old boy holding a willow branch came up, took demigod willow branches began to weasel who smoke, while pumping cursing.
The house of a woman suffer like screams began pumping as 30 a few whips down weasel who also had red marks, the house of the woman began to beg for mercy, and that you have a lot of adults have mercy on me, whoops, I was wrong. ... demigod still keep hands and pumping 30 lashes before you can ask to change it? Female house