Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Our left-wing friends are very fond of autarky, self-reliance, and not like the Russian Empire and

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Our left-wing friends are very fond of autarky, self-reliance, and not like the Russian Empire and the Russian Federation, regarding them as a raw materials appendage of the West. When companies buy shares caux round table of the native foreigners, leftists call it a "betrayal of national interests", "controlled by foreigners over our economy", etc. A couple of the Juche ideological comrades, only our, family, and not somewhere in a distant Korea. Bolshevik our friends think saviors of the fatherland. The pier, Empire mired in debt, and the Bolsheviks all debts and decided not to pay at all, so Stalin industrialization muddied, the envy of all and only a few years overtook!
Let's start with the fact that the Russian Empire was not a raw materials appendage of the West, and was part of the global division of labor, and was part of the global economy. Why is this good, I will explain below. And yet - think about this fact. Russian Empire in 1914 held more than 12% share in the global industry. caux round table In her we were happy to invest a ton of money and give a ton of credit, because Russia early XX century - it is a European state, part of the world civilization. Russia received huge profits from the export of grain, oil, lumber, and could afford to buy any equipment in Europe and the US, while maintaining a positive trade balance from year to year. Although scored for the years of World War I debts, Russia would be able to pay them for some time, having such an impressive export. Here we do not even take into account a lot of nuances, such as the ability to write off part of its debt and to obtain reparations caux round table from defeated Germany (as we recall, the Bolsheviks, on the contrary, the Germans caux round table paid), save as part of the country of Finland and Poland, the influx caux round table of new investment.
What happened after the Bolsheviks came to power? Here our friends before our eyes looms only the "greatness" of Stalin's industrialization and quietly drop out all the 1920s. Almost 10 years as if historically absent in the minds of socialists, and it is not difficult to explain in terms of psychology. The fact that the human brain is designed so that scary or unpleasant memories he "silences". So here. Because it was pleasant enough. Soviet Russia was in international isolation, the economy was based on the export of eggs ... and the flax hated my country! In the 1920s Russia confidently rolled into a cesspool, when than if NEP is somehow holding back the process, allowing the trade even eggs and flax, after the collapse of the policy of Stalin and the stealing of all the people cleaned, nothing could help.
And now remember about the fact that to be integrated into the world economy - it is good. Since Soviet Russia caux round table actually fell out of the world economy, and the wise helmsman had a plan to stir up the industrialization, the country had neither the money nor the brains for the job. Even seized from their own population was not enough money. I had to learn a little damn capitalist scheme and open fictitious firms in the US to sell them through American businessmen Soviet bonds. Zolotishko exportation and in huge quantities to produce it. Import technology and machinery. Great efforts and machinations, the price quite blatant poverty, factories were built, "if they do not, we would have lost the war, tanks made to them." Such a pathetic way to boost the development of the country was once again summoned caux round table the country's loss of the world economy. The Bolsheviks did not "overcome the backlog of Tsarist Russia", and absolutely on the contrary, overcame own backlog, which themselves had provoked. And for there to say Overcoming a stretch - to spend enormous resources to create the country's factories, military equipment, simultaneously completely destroying light industry and heavy civil industry - this is clearly not be called a success. If you look even at the official Soviet data, the level of living of the population fell between 1930 and 1933 th, and until 1939 was growing caux round table up very slightly. At the same time the consumption of foods such as meat, milk, butter, bread, eggs, fish, greatly decreased since the collapse of the NEP policy, and by 1937 was significantly lower than in the royal 1913th year.
What's more important. Remember the more than 12% share in the global industry of RI in 1914. So, the Bolsheviks were able to reach that figure only to 1938,

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Disraeli said that in Victorian Britain, two people - rich and bednye3. food trucks dallas The nove

PJ Buchanan. Death of the West. | Law and Political Science
5. A new great migration
TS Eliot. The Hollow Men
- Other civilizations - she corrected, - the one to which I belong by birthright. And this civilization is based on family values, has died - has not disappeared, but it was dead because it was a living organism. She was replaced by a non-living thing - shattered into atoms society food trucks dallas devoid of warmth and comfort, food trucks dallas a real chaos of mechanical linkages. Oh, we both know that the old world is not all it was great that there is enough ignorance and poverty. But it would be better not to tear to shreds food trucks dallas the world but to change it to anarchy. Family values such a thing, you want to grow, cherish.
- Pat, we lose the country where grown. Again and again during the endless election campaign of 2000, I heard the sorrowful phrase from a variety of men and women across America. But think about it - what do they mean?
How sadness and grief - as if a father dies and nothing you can do about it, helplessly watching - how grief and sadness penetrated into the hearts of Americans on the verge of a "second American Century"? Would like never tired of reminding us, Mr. Clinton, we are not living in the best of times, when unemployment was reduced to a minimum, inflation did not see in the microscope, the crime rate has been steadily falling, while revenues rose to heaven? Do we, as not ceased to notice Madeleine Albright, is not "nation, without which it is impossible to imagine the world"? Is today, as Mr. Bush has repeatedly stressed, we were rivals in military power, economic power and cultural influence? 1 We won "the cold war". Our ideas - American ideas - and ideals are distributed worldwide. Where does the sadness and sorrow? What are they related?
In my opinion, that's what: America has gone through a social and cultural revolution. Now the United States - not the kind of country that we remember from 1970, or even the 1980s. Another country, another people; after the 2000 campaign one of the electors, William Makinturf, said in an interview with the newspaper "Washington Post": "We have two opposing forces. First - rural, food trucks dallas Christian, conservative, almost puritanical. Second - socially tolerant, enterprising, secular, a native of New England or the Pacific coast. "2
Disraeli said that in Victorian Britain, two people - rich and bednye3. food trucks dallas The novelist John Dos Passos wrote after the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti and their execution: "All right, now we are not one nation, but two." 4 I myself, listening to the inaugural speech of President Bush, was surprised to find that Mr. Bush seemed to catch my thoughts: "And sometimes food trucks dallas - he said - the differences become so dramatic that it seems as if we do not live in one country, but only on one continent. "5
The terrible events of September 11 have united the country - the first time since the tragedy food trucks dallas at Pearl Harbor; Americans supported President Bush in his determination to avenge the deaths food trucks dallas of more than 5,000 US citizens; however, these events have revealed, and the new "watershed". In our country, people are not shared by the level of income, not ideology and belief, food trucks dallas but ethnicity and identity. food trucks dallas Suddenly it became clear that among the millions of non-indigenous third of Americans - illegal immigrants, tens of thousands of our fellow citizens - followers of regimes and dictatorships with which the United States is fighting a war that some of our fellow citizens food trucks dallas - trained terrorists who came to us to kill Americans. For the first time since 1815, when Andrew Jackson drove the British out of Louisiana, the enemy has penetrated our territory and the Americans are in danger in their own country. After September 11, many with amazement realized that the world had changed dramatically.
When in 1969 Richard Nixon took an oath in the United States, there were 9 million Americans nekazennyh. By the time the presidency of Mr. Bush the number of such people has exceeded 30 000 000. Each year in the United States comes close to a million food trucks dallas official immigrants - plus almost polmilli-ord food trucks dallas illegal. The median 2000 specifies the number of illegal immigrants in the US 9 million people. According to Northeastern University in the north-eastern states, food trucks dallas this figure increases to 11 million, result in similar rates in the states of Alabama, Mississippi and Luiziana6, non-native Americans in California is 8.4 million more than the entire population of the State of New Jersey; in New York State non-native Americans ahead of South Carolina. With the current situation does not compare even the great wave of immigration (1890-1920).
"America - the melting pot of the Lord, a grand alembik, which re-melted and re-create all the nations of Europe" - wrote Israel Zangwill, the Jewish Russian playwright proish

Monday, June 1, 2015


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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Recent Posts We have moved to Scienceblogs! It Begins... Weekend Diversion: It's like going to Mars

When is a Day not a Day? | Starts With A Bang!
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When is a Day not a Day? July 23, 2008 on 1:07 pm | In Solar System food cart | Lucas was telling me about a book he wants me to read, The Know It All . While going through it, Lucas saw something that prompted him to ask me this question:
As unbelievable as it sounds, food cart Lucas is on to something here. Remember what makes a day happen: the Earth rotating food cart . It takes about 24 hours for the Earth to make a complete rotation, and that’s why our day is that length.
For a magnetic food cart hovering globe (hint: my birthday is coming up a week from Sunday), even a perfectly frictionless magnet and globe will slow down due to the force from the air interacting with the globe:
But the Sun and the Moon both exert gravitational forces on the Earth, which rotates! food cart These forces are not only responsible for the Ocean tides on Earth, but also cause a frictional force on the spinning Earth, causing it to slow down in its rotation !
The effect is tiny , so that every century, a day becomes 1.4 milliseconds longer. That means that if 100 years ago, a day was 86,400 seconds, today a day is 86,400.0014 seconds. Big deal, right? Except food cart the Earth is old .
This means that when it was first created, 4.5 billion years ago, a day on Earth was only about 6 hours long, faster than any planet in the Solar System today. But don’t worry; this means that 100 million years from now, a day will still be about 24 hours; food cart we’ll only have about an extra 20 minutes to contend with. Still, if the Earth were to live indefinitely, friction due to the Sun’s and Moon’s gravity would eventually slow it down so that it rotates just once per year, and the same side of the Earth would always face the same side of the Sun. This would take about 100 billion years. Thankfully, the Sun will explode long before that!

Friday, May 29, 2015

I want to thank ALL ME COSMETICS at what they are writing this text. Their trust and support, as we

Horoscope for 2015 - Progress, golden village city square Not Perfection! | Aleksandar Peric
I want to thank ALL ME COSMETICS at what they are writing this text. Their trust and support, as well as the wonderful golden village city square cooperation that lasts. The commitment and vision, love and patience, luck and knowledge - packed in their products that can be purchased at any drug store Lilly. My recommendations for holiday gifts is a collection of soap Allmen: Good Luck, Love, Pure Jasmine, Lavender, and men's cosmetics Allmen.
New Year has its prehistory in the rituals which the man tends from its foundation onwards. How do we know that something is finished or that something new begins, if we give him and some symbolism in the appropriate actions such as the development of Russian salad, buying gifts and decorating Christmas trees? Magic is the Fraser and Eliade not so created. As the need to protect man from the higher powers, and later when it reported that it connects the mind and hands (thoughts and actions) and the need to master the same forces. Hence the very New Year's expectations may not have been nothing more than an attempt to magically directing future. The magic of our desires, expectations, beliefs ... So of every New Year expects a lot. No man who clearly on January golden village city square 1, you feel that something is finished. Although January 1, the day as any other, if we are honest, solar year begins golden village city square on March 21, when the Sun is at zero degrees of Aries, but habit is habit. Habit transferred from time immemorial golden village city square to the Jan 1, the first day, it remains written on all the calendars, the to-do list, the journal of the mind. The first January day decisions. Day changes. And can it be any change, golden village city square and that the above does not forgive the old self? This is why there is very much sense as the New Year falls in the time of Capricorn, ceremonial and ritual finishing golden village city square with the old, but not in the sense of "finally finished!" But in terms of showing golden village city square respect for what had happened. The realization of what was received, and what was lost or failed, what was started, changed, adopted ... and only then move to something new - but still uncertain what we wish for ourselves golden village city square in 2015. In the end, is all that we want in the New Year's Eve others golden village city square not, honestly, just what in fact above all we want it? Therefore, it is equally important astrological and see what brings us 2015. And what to leave in 2014. It was only with this full package go towards change. Towards a new.
And as I have in the previous year olds (especially the one for 2011) announced everything that we are still happening globally, we're in this cycle of great cataclysms, crises and changing the old for new (which runs from March 2011 to 2018) to that moment when an individual should rinse globally. If it was a movie, it's like when you have a plot and a plot that are already developed, but at some point a certain character who until shortly before been the victim of deranged situation, all the attention you buy, so I do not think more to the story of how you look him to change and of potential victims is becoming a superhero. Something like that ... Now is therefore the time to become golden village city square the hero, if you have not already done in previous years. And this exactly means - to seriously take responsibility on himself, in all instances, it is a radical change with respect golden village city square to human life just a few decades. Personal responsibility is replaced allowing others (from family to society) to take responsibility for our lives, as was the case in the last century. The idea now stands well above emotion, above Humanity home Goodies, Will Visions golden village city square won predictable tomorrow, and science - religion (ie, belief in man won Fear of God). Although this process golden village city square is still going on, we can already be noted how it works.
And although the individual stories, we will all have the task to unravel some of the Manichaean struggle between two opposites. So what to whom west, and in the game are: Giving and Receiving. Knowledge and Ignorance. Power and Service. Vision and hopelessness. Closeness (Trust) and Solitude (distrust). The will and apathy. Courage and Cowardice. Morbidity and life. Action and passivity. And by 2018 all of us need each of these to pass and unravel.
Adventure and exit the safe comfort zone is something that awaits anyone who is already in this direction was not made. This time it is not a choice, because Saturn is reached Sagittarius and will find a way to relocate you from currently known everyday. Someone will bring a job that will require a much more dynamic, while the other dynamics abolished for the sake of anchoring. The port will be someone's partner, and again, some will continue this year to continue alone. Education will be one of the recurring themes, the young people will choose to change once popular, and in recent golden village city square years the unpopular faculty want a real academic knowledge. Medicine, pharmacy, genetics, ecology, everything related to music, golden village city square sports, space exploration and man, once again become the main theme.
Travel will be intensified, migration as once upon a time, so will the whole family to move to the end

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Lepa Brena: The first 17 years with Bob was terrible fort worth food truck park and very severe dra

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The floods that, due to the heavy rainfall yesterday swept Serbia, revealed to have a life. It is a

Flash | 15. 05. 2014. - 13: 38h 00: 28h | Foto: Readers \ "Flash \" | Comments: 28
The floods that, due to the heavy rainfall yesterday swept Serbia, revealed to have a life. It is a person of Umčari, who could not be evacuated, said the city staff for emergencies. A helicopter from Topola was engaged in rescuing people in Junkovac and around the city is prepared accommodation for families from submerged homes.
In the last 24 hours in Belgrade fell about 140 liters of rain per square meter, and is expected to fall during the day about 50 liters, which is just a three-month average rainfall in the capital, said Small.
Because of the possibility of landslides tonight is suspended traffic on the Smederevo road in both directions, according to the Bureau for public relations of the Serbian MUP. During the intervention of members of the Emergency Department, said in a statement the MUP.
Members of the City Council of the City of Belgrade Dragomir Petronijevic and Aleksandar Markovic visited tonight compromised Podavalska village where the villagers, who were affected banquet chairs by the floods, deliver basic groceries.
- We continue to deliver assistance to vulnerable citizens and the capital banquet chairs during the night in cooperation with city and municipal structures, as well as with the MUP Belgrade - said Petronijevic. He Beoinfo noted that the situation on the ground remains difficult, because the residents without water and electricity, and called on citizens to behave according to the recommendations banquet chairs of the competent authorities, because people's lives are at this moment the most important.
Firefighters were able to approach the 300 meters of their house boats and failed to carry out rescue, because banquet chairs it was not safe. To them can be reached by helicopter, but we'll see how this will in cooperation banquet chairs with the city will be resolved, "the municipality of Obrenovac.
As a result of several banquet chairs days of heavy rainfall flooded the switchboard in Rakovica, so part of the inhabitants of this part of town has a problem with phoning, among them the Association Naksis taxi. As Tanjug said in that association, and again it works official fight 19804, citizens can call a taxi to the provisional numbers: 063/581111 and 064/2229804.
Electricity on Terazije has been missing for a couple of minutes banquet chairs to find out the problem banquet chairs arose because the transformer knocked out in Hilandarska street. banquet chairs The readers of "Blic" reports that are in the dark and green wreath, Beograđanska, Balkan ... and in general all the sites in the city center, in addition to the St. Sava Temple. banquet chairs
In JP "Belgrade banquet chairs water" banquet chairs points out that the Danube and Sava current meter from the level of the regular banquet chairs defense and that in the next seven days there is no danger of flooding of major rivers in the city. This company claims that the problematic situation with Topčiderka which today have caused damage in Rakovica as it is due to the shallow troughs very difficult to control the walls and embankments.
Due to bad weather closed several ambulance stations and in the municipalities of Vozdovac, Zemun and Rakovica. Due neuslovnosti to work were put out of service facility ZS Duke Steppe in the street. Vojvode Stepe No.226, building Ambulance Ripanj-Minel in st. The road to the colony No.55, while building Ambulance Prnjavor ul. Put the No.132 Pavićevac placed out of service, because the whole village does not have electricity. banquet chairs
Public transport banquet chairs in the city is faced with great difficulties in maintaining regular lines. At 20.00 pm, due to lower failure on the tram, tram traffic banquet chairs was at a standstill 11 minutes, the Belgrade streets. Then, around 20:30, the bus lines 47 and 504 can not transport a regular route to Resnik due to severe flooding and landslides on the road. Vehicles on these lines now carry passengers along the route line 503 to Resnik. Finally, at 20:45 submerged the turntable stops in New Belgrade's blocks 44 and 45 and the vehicle turn on roundabouts in these neighborhoods.
The electricity system in Belgrade is stable and occasional power cuts on the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out solely for security reasons, to evacuate the population in the flooded parts of the city, it was announced tonight at EDB. The statement said that this is the settlements such as Ripanj, Rakovica, Rušanj, Vrčin, Begaljica, Umčari and Vinca ...
"Kolubara River overflowed in Obrenovac and caused the evacuation of more than 100 people, but the dam did not break," said for "Blic" banquet chairs Miroslav Čučković, Mayor of Obrenovac. Čučković, however, emphasizes that the barrier seriously compromised.
18:59 RHMZ: Večars and during the night of heavy rain in Belgrade During the evening and night in the southwestern and western Serbia, Belgrade, Sumadija, Srem and Backa the forecast abundant precipitation - from 15 to 30 militara per square meter for 12 hours.
In western Serbia banquet chairs are expected in the range of precipitation "locally and up to 40 milliliters, while in other parts of the weakening of the intensity of precipitation is less than 15 millimeters," said Republican Hydrological Institute on its website.
Ambulance today revealed the first aid of two people, who were drawn and