Monday, September 23, 2013

Just a single concession trailers night spent in prison to enjoy what it means to be under the comp

Impressions from Gaza | Reso
Just a single concession trailers night spent in prison to enjoy what it means to be under the complete control of an external force. Suffice to live a single day in Gaza to understand what it means to try to survive in the "open concession trailers prison" largest nodule, concession trailers where a half million people, the most populated area in the world, constantly subject a wild terror concession trailers and irrational and arbitrary punishment, that no purpose other than humiliation and degradation, as well as finite target of cessation of Palestinian hopes for a decent future and voiding global support for a diplomatic solution that would guarantee their rights.
Israeli leadership's commitment to such a policy was dramatically illustrated when a few days before they announced that they would "go crazy" if the Palestinians were granted partial recognition at the UN. This is not new news. The threat that will react as "crazy" (nishtagea) has deep roots. It dates back to the 1950 Labour government, and accompanied by "Samson complex" would destroy the Temple walls if egërsohemi. Then it was idle threat, but not today.
Also, the deliberate humiliation is not something new, though always takes new forms. Thirty years ago, political leaders, including some of the hawks (people who think of war as the only solution) more remarkable, presented concession trailers Prime Minister Begin a shocking and detailed report on how settlers of Palestinians tortured in the most callous manner without incurring no punishment. Prominent concession trailers political analyst Yoram Peri wrote the military's duty military disgust is not the protection of the state, "but the destruction of the rights of innocent people simply because they are Araboushim (term discrimination which Jews identify with the Arabs) living in territories that God promised us us. "
Gaza residents are selected to undergo concession trailers a particularly cruel punishment. It's almost a miracle that people manage to survive concession trailers in conditions of such an existence. Their ability to survive is described concession trailers thirty years ago in memory of Raja Shehadeh eloquent (Third Way), based on his work as a lawyer dedicated to the hopeless task of protecting fundamental rights within the legal system designed to ensure failure, and his personal experience as samid, "unyielding", which looks at his house turned into a prison by brutal invaders, without being able to do anything, but to find a way to survive. concession trailers
From the time he wrote Shehadeh, the situation has worsened significantly. Oslo Agreement, the large trumpeted in 1993, determined that Gaza and the West Bank do not constitute a single territorial entity. At that time the U.S. and Israel had launched a full separation of them, in order to block any diplomatic solution and to punish 'araboushim'-s in both territories.
Punishment against Gazans were heated further in January 2006, when they committed a serious crime, voted "the wrong way" in the first free elections concession trailers held in the Arab world, electing Hamas. In demonstration to mark "their thirst for democracy", the U.S. and Israel, backed by the European Union shy, immediately imposed a brutal siege coupled with strong military strikes. U.S. reverted to standard concession trailers operating procedure concession trailers when a government chooses the wrong people: preparing a coup to restore order.
Residents of Gaza commits another serious crime a year later by blocking the coup, which led to the escalation of the siege and military attacks. The situation culminated in the winter of 2008-9, with Operation Cast Lead, one of the worst performances military and cowardly recent years where a defenseless civilian population and no possibility of escape concession trailers was subjected to relentless attack of one of the most advanced military systems , equipped with American weapons and supported by U.S. diplomacy. An unforgettable eyewitness account of the slaughter - "infanticide" if you use their words - is given by the two courageous Norwegian doctors who worked at the main hospital in Gaza during Israel's relentless assault, Mads Gilbert and Erik Fosse, in their remarkable book Eyes from Gaza.
President Obama was incapable sense to say half a word, except concession trailers to repeat his sympathy felt for vulnerable children in the Israeli town of Sderotit. The attack on Gaza, carefully planned, was interrupted shortly before his swearing, so that he can say it is time to look forward concession trailers and not backwards. Consolation standard criminals.
Of course, there were pretexts - there will always be such. The usual one, which is used whenever nev

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