Daily update All Commodity news like: Wheat, Rice, Maize, Guar, Sugar, Gur, Pulses, Spices, Mentha Oil & Oil Complex (Musterd seed & Oil, soyabeen seed & Oil, Groundnet seed & Oil, Pam Oil etc.)
RS Rana New Delhi | Aug 07, 2013, 00:35 AM IST failure - the commoners did not buy wheat in Punjab and Haryana Omss scheme of existing schemes mills bought wheat in Punjab and Haryana to the south carrying wheat and other states the truck truck freight due to the much higher cost of wheat to mills unbearable due to the low volume loading of rail transport from September feasible plan to sell wheat flour mills statewide plan of the central government of open market sales (Omss) Under the procedure adopted for the sale of wheat has failed. Other states except Punjab and Haryana the banquet wheat flour mills Omss market is going to be quite expensive, which found in other states are not putting tender. So the government the banquet is going to come back to basics. Wheat roller flour mills statewide from September Omss the ministry plans to sell food. A senior food ministry official said the sale of wheat under Omss currently only being from Punjab and Haryana. Omss tender for the procurement of wheat for bulk consumers pay a minimum price of Rs 1,500 per quintal, while small traders from 3 to 9 tonnes of wheat for sale at Rs 1,500 per quintal. States on the basis of allocation of wheat to small traders being so small traders are lifting the banquet wheat. But the bulk consumer buys wheat from Punjab or Haryana take in your state. Because of this and other remote states of southern India mills feel more freight from trucks carrying wheat. Due to the volume of Miller's rail loading can not. So Punjab, Haryana, leaving other states is difficult for wheat to flour millers. Í Unhonn
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