Thursday, December 5, 2013

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When the latest we can afford to have a cup of coffee, without the risk of harm to sleep? Everyone has their own opinion on the matter from those who claim to never drink coffee in the afternoon, because they tortured sleeplessness, to those who absolutely do not feel any effects of coffee and can easily fall asleep. Henry Ford-sleep disorder research center in Detroit (USA), the researchers conducted an experiment to scientifically answer this question, writes
12 volunteers without any sleep disorders, for four days in a row was not to use coffee food trucks nyc three times a day to drink a pill that contains caffeine. First they had to take a pill at 6 am. to sleep, the other - at 4 pm., and the last - before going to bed. Each time one of the tablets was 400 mg of caffeine - this amount is equivalent to two or three cups of coffee, while the other two were only placebo tablets (they absolutely had no effect).
On the last day of the experiment all participants were given only placebo food trucks nyc pills to be able to see the results of the participants did not use caffeine completely. Throughout the experiment, subjects did not know which pills are empty, and that the caffeine.
The results, of course, confirmed the negative effects of coffee in the evening oral dose of sleep. Professor Jean Costentinas claims that one 150 mg dose of caffeine consumed half an hour before sleep walking, a much longer time to fall asleep, and considerably shortens the deepest stage of sleep. It is advisable to avoid caffeine and other sources
The first experiment proved that caffeine consumed even at 6 am. to sleep, reduces the normal sleep time, due to the fact that the participants of the experiment, after taking the tablet with caffeine, sleeping one hour less than the day when everyone just drank a placebo pill.
A. Dubroca also warned to avoid other sources of caffeine, because people often forget that a number of tea, soft drinks, particularly energy drinks. So, if you change the coffee tea, not necessarily will avoid caffeine.
More related food trucks nyc articles Kaunas tasting coffee from a home grown coffee tree Caffeine. food trucks nyc Facts that you may not know takeaway coffee - a work of art, the pursuit of coffee smile uses 10 Things to know about energy drinks
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