Friday, February 14, 2014

But the angel was pointing things an irrevocable event. God

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Maryam oc fair food trucks said (to the angels) said, I want the shelter of God condescending to you, if you have the God-fearing. (19:18) oc fair food trucks He said: Surely I am the messenger of your DOCTORS can provide you a holy son . (19:19)
These verses say that in the event of Hazrat Maryam Alahsslam had no refuge except God, he said while addressing the youth shelter I want you! God is sacred and if you go away from me. Hazrat Maryam said to calm the young man that I am not a human but an angel from God and a holy and God has assigned me to do fearing the son provided.
These verses indicate that well in their sacred character, with Prpuruson not found in solitude and be present on such occasions, in relation to God wants asylum. Sorry to say that today in the lives of people, from different places Nischet and Prpuruson between women and reconciliation has become a simple oc fair food trucks matter.
قالت أنى يكون لي غلام ولم يمسسني بشر ولم أك بغيا (20) قال كذلك قال ربك هو علي هين ولنجعله آية للناس ورحمة منا وكان أمرا مقضيا (21)
Maryam said, how can my child while a man has not touched me, nor am I Uddndi? (19:20) (the angel) said that it is what I have said. DOCTORS you said that it is very simple for me so we can make people a little piece of kindness on your part. And it is irrevocable. (19:21)
Alahsslam Hazrat Maryam, initially shocked and horrified that the young were coming, so he was surprised on hearing how a virgin girl, parents can become? It was in such a state that they were very different from normal life and he himself had made specifically for worship in Batulmukhdds.
But the angel was pointing things an irrevocable event. God's oc fair food trucks intention was to become the mother of Hazrat Maryam oc fair food trucks virgin birth of Jesus with divine miracle. Although it appears oc fair food trucks to be impossible according to common sense and natural law, but to God who is the Creator of the entire universe, it's extremely is the simplest.
Maryam became pregnant and then at a location away from people (in private) Moves. (19:22) then labor took them toward the palm tree. Maryam said (to myself) that I wish I would have died earlier and would have been completely forgotten. (19:23)
Hazrat oc fair food trucks Maryam Alahsslam God intended angels blow killed him and then they become pregnant they started showing signs of pregnancy. Forced out of their worship, after which they came and the people that they went to the desert do not face.
Shortly after, he began to labor and nine months instead of the circumstances resulting in the short term deliveries were from God. Hazrat Maryam Alahsslam began to think about things they and their Lancnon what type of people will reply and will present the rationale behind your pregnancy? They said the same sorrow and shame because oc fair food trucks I wish I had died before this situation. Although I have not made a small mistake oc fair food trucks but also the world's largest odious accusation of adultery that is going to be on me.

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