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The essence of each country, its sovereignty on both the internal as well as external field. Internally, the shows so that power on its territory, ie the territory of the country is actually carried boekenrek out his will. The external field is established sovereignty in that country recognized by the international community, which respects the territorial integrity and that the country is pursuing a policy of coercion without guidance and other countries and take decisions of their own volition.
In order to maintain state sovereignty, protect and strengthen, establish a national security system. An important part of this system occupy intelligence. Only this is one of the fundamental elements of all modern countries, since they play an important role in maintaining the security of the country. Intelligence obtained and provide information leading national operators and thus allow only those correctly and quickly enough to decide boekenrek on their actions, which ensures security of the country (economic, political, defense ...). The structure and working methods of intelligence depends on the political system in the country. In countries with a democratic regime is the working area of intelligence acquisition of data associated with the rest of the world. Above services is established democratic control. In authoritarian countries intelligence services usually also control its citizens boekenrek - acting as "political police". Above them no democratic control. Intelligence indirectly and directly affect the sovereignty of States. As the political police can affect the sovereignty of their country, with undercover operations as well as the sovereignty of other countries.
The purpose of the thesis is to establish boekenrek a link between the intelligence services and state sovereignty in the internal field and the link between intelligence and national sovereignty of the external field. The following is also considered whether or intelligence affecting the sovereignty boekenrek of their own or a foreign country, namely how.
In doing so, I will present a few examples to influence boekenrek intelligence boekenrek services (CIA, KGB and STASI) on state sovereignty and to confirm or refute hypotheses. 2.2 DEFINITION assumptions (hypotheses) In this thesis I will attempt to prove the following hypothesis:
In the manufacture of the thesis, in which I will present the impact of intelligence on internal and external sovereignty of states, I will use different methods. So I data gained from the analysis of primary, secondary boekenrek and tertiary sources. By reading books and various articles dealing with the studied topic, but I'll show the interdependence of the political system and the structure of the intelligence services and their functioning and the importance of the impact of the sovereignty of States.
In order to clarify the basic concepts I will use descriptive boekenrek method. At the end of the thesis I will study examples demonstrate the operation of the intelligence services. 3 Definition of basic concepts
The purpose of this chapter is to present the basic concepts that occur throughout the study, and thus to analyze boekenrek and explain their meaning. The key idea sovereignty and intelligence services are divided into two sub-sections within only these but each is presented in a broader context. 3.1 SOVEREIGNTY
The concept of sovereignty derives from the Latin and French boekenrek words superanus Souverain, which means unlimited, top, top. Is the highest authority over which there is a higher instance of a ruler (Sruk, 1995, 326). "The concept of sovereignty has been formed mainly in the period of the Middle Ages, in which the emerging countries fought for supremacy of their (secular) government against the church, as well as against the feudal Estates and various social (particularly urban) corporations" (Pavčnik, Cerar and Smith, boekenrek 20