Pia Sara deposited
Climategate is a bold undermine the credibility of the Intergovernmental Commission on Climate Change (IPCC) and defenders of the thesis that human greenhouse gas emissions are causing dangerous heating of the planet.
E-mail, portable island by unknown hackers copied from the Center for Climate Systems Research Hadley, the words themselves climate 'scientists' showed that the leading experts preparing catastrophic IPCC reports, concealed data and methods used customized statistical procedures (that to hide the decline in temperatures since 2000) and even prikrojevali information to the thesis of anthropogenic heat to keep alive. Recognition of e-mails of Phil Jones, Michael E. Mann, Kevin Trebertha and other 'leading climatologists' in many places encourage verification of raw data on our climate. And then he just really vsulo: the potvarjanju data and customized calculations of temperature trends report from the U.S. i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi Canada, Australia, vii, viii New Zealand, Scandinavia ix, Russia x, xi ...
If I were hypothesis of anthropogenic warming really a scientific theory, the solution would be simple: taking control of independent scientists to verify the basic measurement data, the method portable island for calculating trends and, where appropriate, all converted again. But raw data is either 'lost' or misplaced inaccessible xii, xiii, xiv.
If I were hypothesis of anthropogenic warming really a scientific theory, to its creators to make every effort to find or re-collect the raw data from which were allegedly carried out his theory. Thus enabling the general scientific community to do what is in the verification of theories necessity: portable island a recalculation, measurements, models.
A show like internal communication between certain 'climate portable island experts' (yes, their e-mail has again leaked to the public) will be advocates of anthropogenic heating portable island prefer launched an extensive advertising campaign, expand its presence in the public, press the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to take a more active role in explaining climate change ... xv As reported by the Christian Science Monitor, to help even hired Hollywood xvi. The British government has commissioned advertising nursery rhymes, which is the official representative of the public media condemned as "containing exaggerated claims about the threat to Britain from global warming," xvii.
If the theory of anthropogenic warming scientifically portable island justified and if, as alleged supporters of independent databases confirm that the Hadley Centre (now disappeared) are not falsifying portable island data so as to confirm their predictions - why then the credibility portable island of the IPCC should advertise as washing powder? portable island
Because CO 2 is causing dangerous global warming (it is currently at cooling down since 1995, according to Phil Jones himself shows no statistically significant heating) will be carbon dioxide, which is currently vented to the atmosphere of our thermal power plants (as well as heating plants, factories cement, lime, paper, etc.). covered and "somehow get to the place of permanent storage", informs us Slovenian member of the IPCC light a candle snuffer Bogataj portable island xviii. You could, for example, by pipeline put in Koper, there liquefied, poured onto boats and taken to a place where it could be safely and permanently stored. Where? Yes, it's a question of one million euros - which is actually a question for two to four billion British pounds per year!
Applies to remember the initials CCS (carbon capture and storage), the capture portable island and storage of carbon dioxide. If the EU at the winding of professional environmentalists insist on the criminalization portable island of CO 2, we will all users of this bold hurting your pocket, but allow some fantastic benefits.
"CCS could be the industry's volume of oil from the North Sea," enthusiastically reported Upstream specialized weekly (mainly British and Norwegian) industry, oil and natural gas xix. The depleted gas fields under the North Sea could only be saved Great Britain from 60 to 150 billion tonnes of CO 2 from across the EU. The new deal could provide 30 to 60 thousand jobs and brought two to four billion pounds sterling (from 2,18 to 4,37 billion) portable island in annual revenue.
British and Norwegian governments commissioned a study to evaluate the extent of demand in the EU and infrastructure that would need to build a government that could be commercialized permanent storage of carbon dioxide under the North Sea xxi.
Therefore, it is of course not surprising 'environmental commitment' by the British Council, which throughout Europe (including Slovenia xxii, xxiii) supports the information on climate change and organizes conferences on science-based reporting. portable island But these are excluded from all that could be mentioned one of several thousand scientific papers that do not support the thesis of anthropogenic warming.
CCS is a great deal even before the developers and providers portable island (currently experimental technologies) actually commercially portable island captured and stored what carbon
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