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31st 10th 2012 | Last Update: 31 10th 2012 13:35

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31st 10th 2012 | Last Update: 31 10th 2012 13:35
esk supermarkets throw away tons per day neprodanch food. It's not just about prol All damaged or food, but often iojdlo, ktermu nothing nen, just piblilo date of its fuel consumption. etzce by MLY sprvn unsold meat and prol send to kafilrie. Peivo, yogurt, fruit and vegetables back into kompostrny or biogas plants. Jene not nearly VECHNA starting a food truck business supermarkets Observe rules.
"For Losk year we checked VCE not for thirty establishments obchodnch etzc after Celma Esku. Of those, starting a food truck business ten of them we found errors in the nakldn management, "the Ks Luk, Head of odpadovho hospodstv esk inspection ivotnho environment (IP). ASTM Prohm Kem was e with supermarkets neobtovaly jdlo liquidate ecologically as they should, but the duties of food packaging thrown Together, with komunlnm waste. "Even the food got rid of packaging and e to skldky traveled as food itself, so napklad plastics in kterch are packaged. They do not have anyone who would otvral kelmky, "dodv Ks. Misconduct when nakldn inspections waste found at etzc Ahold, Norma and Kaufland. "It was only get in one establishment, take Ned ct, e would be a systmov poruen duty," upesuje Ks.
Pito biologically rozloiteln waste, it means the first napklad food, the daj vyut for vrobu energy. starting a food truck business Jednmzmst where Hand the jdlo Pema on electricity or heat is Biogas Plant Bio Servis Beneov in Stednch echch. Denn here pijdj nkladn car with food from the supermarket starting a food truck business and warehouse potravinskch companies. "Voz here for eight and ten tonnes of food a day. And that's just one etzce supermarket in the area. It is mainly fruit, vegetables, yogurt and peivo," to Martin Götz, Managing gas station. Jdlo not bring it here but just supermarkets, but such foods by the manufacturer, if napklad a make a loose ari. "Are you then PÍŠŤANY duty pallet child ' vrobk disposal, "dodv Götz and shows Pitou to two meters high CHAMBER yogurt Danone, which here in stovkch piece le at several TDN and are waiting to pemnu in energy. "Machines can first remove the packaging and then fermentation mn on the gas and then into energy. For the year of manufacture eight gigawatt hours, what is the NCO as one eight-hour smna in one block Temelna, "pirovnv Götz. Bioplynovch stations to dokzaly vyrbt energy from food is not Esku mn ten. Other Biogas plants are zemdlsk and kicked them carry food nedaj. "It zaarovan circle. Supermarkets throw away food on skldky because don 't Pobl gas station. Jene unless mt gas station and kompostrny enough" fuel "and will develop new , "to alert ksz IP.
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The people starting a food truck business in esk Republic produced in 2011 piblin 200 billion VCE source (product and slueb), not used up. Pesto increased zadluenost starting a food truck business sttu, domcnost and companies piblin 500 billion. starting a food truck business How is it mon? ......... starting a food truck business (anonymous) long-have-you let people-okradat.html
Assistant / Sales International in Czech Republic & Slovakia Strategic nPurchase FINANCIAL sluby Specialist / ka for business vry, Trutnov Personally bank / ka Tbor bank advisor / Kyn for wealthy customers, Beneov bank adviser / Kyn for wealthy customers, starting a food truck business Product manager at Podbrady / KA IVOTNHO POJITN VCE nabdek PRCE
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