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July 4, 2013 17:22 - Home - Author: Sebastian Kantor new Minister of Agriculture in the emerging caretaker government Miroslav Toman will try to enforce the law on foodstuffs to traders in a shed had to sell unpackaged food required to display the proportion of principal components, such as meat content in sold salami or sausages. The current head of the Food Chamber gsc cinema malaysia wants to counter food sales also enact mandatory labeling of products offered by the manufacturer. The possible gsc cinema malaysia personnel changes in the Ministry will be decided later.
"This is my opinion, nothing has changed. Amendment to the Food Act must be in the form of amendments to include more marketing information about the main ingredient and information about the entity that made the food," said Toman. A similar view presented in mid-May, the opposition Social Democrats, with the changes he wants to enforce the law when discussed in the House.
According to Toman is the requirement that from his position of head of the Food Chamber failed to major amendment to the Food Act to promote, fully in line with what the number of cases requiring food consumers throughout the European Union. gsc cinema malaysia According to him, customers want detailed information about the offered food, including manufacturer and product composition.
In Countertop selling delicatessen gsc cinema malaysia or meat products do not currently merchants to include the composition of the products sold by the packaged food is declared on the packaging. That's according to Toman wrong. Food because they want to have more time to enact an obligation to share the marketing of principal components, which, for example, the meat product should be meat.
The draft law on food, which also specifies the competence of supervisory authorities, approved in May by the government. A new game will control administration of the State Veterinary Administration within catering services. The government also agreed on a merger plan Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority and the State Veterinary Administration into a single supervisory institution, which should simplify the process of food quality control.
Asked about the choice of their future deputy Toman said that first of all dosluhujícího Deputy Minister Petr Bendl meet and hear their vision of the next steps and the functioning of the trust department. "Crucial to the assessment of my stay in deputy positions will their expertise and the fact how well the handle relevant issues and conferred upon them by section," he said. Similarly apparently will proceed even team of advisors who will "inherit" the Bendl.
Toman said earlier this week that after taking office prefers to deal with flood damage and compensation for farmers and food processors and also one of the fastest set the terms of a new EU Common Agricultural Policy. Among his priorities also include gsc cinema malaysia the timely approval of the grant program for rural development for the coming period and budget preparation department for next year. Bid on ministerial post in the emerging caretaker government Jiri Toman Rusnok received last week.
The new Minister of Agriculture of the Czech pre-November is the son of a federal Agriculture Minister Miroslav Toman. The company Agrotrade, which was initiated just Tomanův gsc cinema malaysia father and younger brother Zdenek, belonged in the past to the most important food companies in the country.
Representatives of non-governmental organizations on behalf of agricultural successor to the current Minister Petr Bendl (ODS) received mostly positive. Toman valued as an expert knowledgeable resort. gsc cinema malaysia Toman was from August 2002 to October 2006 and later first deputy Social Democratic deputy minister of agriculture. In the negotiations for accession to the EU served as the main agricultural negotiator.
Pirate Party today called on the Interior Ministry letter that offered asylum in the Czech Republic, Edward Snowden, who leaked details of American odposlechového program Prism. gsc cinema malaysia He informed by Deputy Pirates Jakub Michalek. Parties also urged the resignation of Interior Minister Jan Kubice to vigorously rejected the practice of tracking USA. more
Prague's Four police officers allegedly beat up unreasonably late May, Russian detained on suspicion of theft. Man accused then allegedly addition, he attacked them, said today
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