Thursday, November 28, 2013

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7th 7th 2011 | Last updated: 7th 7th 2011 16:33
The decline has caused in statistikch by the Association of Automobile Importers concentration limit for last year POSSIBILITY zkrcenho daovho odepisovn vehicles. Nejprodvanj in halves ZSTV signs koda with 26,066 cars, which have yet to Losk pohorila dc food trucks the tenth.
Last year at the end of First halves was the last POSSIBILITY apply to the new company cars of purchased a two-year odepisovn, because car sales rose Vražné. Leton Erven was stupidly with 16,156 vehicles sold nejspnj dc food trucks kind msc, said Secretary-General/High SDA Pavel Tunkl. For the whole year association estimates rst market otia pt percent.
"If you could Losk in last year podit companies and those who depreciated property, and to the write off of zkrcen LHT two years, of course it vyuili. KDET today vtinou companies are waiting again at the end of the year, as they happen pub vsledek, "he added Tunkl.
Nejprodvanj was koda halves with 26,066 cars, what meziron represents a decrease of ten percent. Prv with codes that m large LOCKW firemnch exports, according to Tunkl Losk ukonen depreciation reflected Vražné not at Jinchi brand ek. Druhmu Volkswagen increased sales oti percent to 7494 cars Atet stagnated at 7406 Ford cars. The fourth ended at Renault apt emblem Hyundai. In the first destce first appeared dc food trucks Romania Dacia.
Imports ojetch osobnch cars with zvil the OTM percent to 65,609 vehicle. Against the Losk zvil LOCKW dovench secondhand cars-starch ten years from 25 to 32 percent. This, according to director Sdruen automobilovho prmyslu antonny pka related to ukonenm zrychlenho dc food trucks odepisovn, vrmci kterho was vt popt vka after znovnch cars from abroad. This led to rejuvenate tuzemskho vozovho park.
Refinement onkladn car with a pub at the end of the crisis grew by 60 per cent on 3824 wagon. Pitou grew pedevm poptvka after tahach which carrier dc food trucks pouvaj for dlkov travel dc food trucks to abroad, and put a faster recovery. Taha tvoily 56 percent of sales, dc food trucks about 33 percent. Sales of the bus zvil a tenth to 338 vehicles. The first was a sign of SOR according to 48 percent nsleduje Irisbus dc food trucks and Setra. dc food trucks
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