Tuesday, April 1, 2014

11 What was really going on here? (What are the rules of this game?)

Retrievers dawn, Barbara Marciniak | Sunman peter
11 What was really going on here? (What are the rules of this game?)
We Plejadanci, collective energy and come from your future. We have had a long history. food cart usa Our ancestors came from outer space, which has already experienced its end. You now working on the planet, which is located just before the completion of a cycle, food cart usa and we are here to help you with this. This transformation is already announcing eons. This is what is now happening on Earth, will be reflected food cart usa in the entire food cart usa universe. End of cycle means that you understand who you are in order to continue this experiment. Our ancestors came from outer space, which experienced its end. They realize that Prastvarnik cause of all, or that the cause of all experience Prastvarnika over time. They have realized their true primal nature, and this is the power of creation. When they realized they understand that we are all Creator. As always when a creation come to the end of its course, our ancestors had to choose whether to return to Prastvarniku or simply go ahead. They decided to come into this space because they realize food cart usa that you too will someday prepared for the completion of the cycle. Our ancestors were one of the original creators of Planet Earth, artists who are full of knowledge and love "sow" worlds and civilizations. Because of their qualifications, like the created worlds, just as conductors like to orchestrate the orchestra. Our ancestors are your ancestors, and we will be happy to call our "old family", which in fact you are. Our ancestors gave parts of their DNA the original creators of the Earth and this DNA has become a part of human genetics.
In one version of our "now" there is a place of tyranny and unrest. We see the likely future version of Earth, which is ruled by the same tyranny and chaos. In the three-dimensional reality of time is misunderstood. Do you believe that the time is measured in seconds. Time is much more complex than you you can imagine. Time actually encodes information and plays with them. Therefore, you can at the same time are in different realms - the time to stretch, twist, turn, bend. You can almost jump on one elliptical line and experience the countless reality, simply by moving the ellipse and exposing that time is nothing food cart usa firm, as well as not reality.
Reality is not as strong nor determined, so the future is neither firm nor Determined - that's why we are now seeing this option to change the "future prospects" in a much more positive future for the Earth.
We want to once again bring light to Earth and lead to its original intent to become great among-galactic headquarters for the exchange of information. So we came back in time to plant a seed that will lead to change for the better. This change will not affect only the earth, but in your future, and our present universe.
That's great news. You are incarnated on earth in time and space, which is approaching a significant evolution. Big jump in development will soon happen and you get to take part in it. You are not alone and left to themselves, because it comes a lot of other "energy" to the one involved in this huge project.
Around food cart usa the earth now collected "mother ships", which serve as energy transformers. food cart usa On Earth are now coming light rays that you have been doing for eons. The rays of light or radiation information aimed directly at Earth. When this information is sent to Earth by your body needs to be able to take, transform and communicate them to everyone else in your neighborhood. Many of you will have established a direct telepathic link with these "mother ships" and you can receive a variety of information - Optional.
What now follows on earth, the evolution of super-consciousness, your evolution in the highest possible aspect of your being. Do not worry about how you will become super-conscious creature you that you are, that you just remember.
From the time of the Harmonic Convergence (1987), the thick layers of the Earth, which was surrounded, thin and open up. Since then, you are constantly bombarded with this energy from the universe and the level of this energy is constantly increasing, so many only as much as can be transferred. You are now rapidly evolve and every year from now on will seem like ten years spent in the last century. You feel how much you already achieved in personal development and who you feel if you continue with this pace. It'll be like to live a hundred years in a decade. You will be overwhelmed food cart usa with memories, as well as many other things. Many of you will be traveling by spaceship in different parts of the solar system. While entering the "Age of Light", you will open up many new worlds that you have not even dreamed that there could be. You went through many periods: bronze, iron, industrial, information. This period did you learn lessons of planting, cultivation, food cart usa nurturing - easy on the possibilities manif

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