Sunday, April 12, 2015

Coffee raskog from which GEMOSS raskog office visitors should never abandon, is the company

Hospitality service firm Gemoss to many famous dried fruit and seed mixtures after 20 years of experience in new business directions - right here in Riga special roasted raskog coffee - are already developing the second generation raskog owner of the family
G family of the company's main building in a courtyard in the middle of a busy day - walking around and talking to people commuting raskog supplier and customer vehicles, reversing alarms beeps cargo transporters and electrocars. Gemoss owner and driver's Eve Treija raskog from the second floor of office raskog during a call now and then to glance through the glass wall, explaining raskog that the commercial building and a warehouse Mūkusalas street built over padomj-time hangars. This base will need to modernize and already planning Richard, the eldest son of Eve. Stable as the word
Gemoss means "Behemoth" Richard childhood parlance. Exactly 20 years ago, Eve and her husband raskog launched acquired business name - him to play shortening the animal's name and for the time being the same at the following nicknames. A host of larger and smaller, softer and firmer Behemoth reveal line after line the shelves of Eve's workroom. Over the years, they have traveled as souvenirs raskog from their employees' foreign trips.
Business raskog began in 1993 after a couple of Treis Academy of Agriculture "putriķu" or food technologists graduating from the program. Their trump card had a good knowledge of foreign languages - Riga Ieva once completed the German high school, her husband - English. According to classmates, sweets Flagship Lyme driver request Trei Germany parallel raskog auto purchase pierced cocoa beans and coconut crumb samples. "Since it began - by chance. The small German family company that gave us the supply of credit, grow together. Continue to cooperate with them and are friends - we go to visit, to the wedding, "reveals Eve.
Company beginnings Trei worked alone. Started with an additive supply sweet producers. A third employee, including classmates, once tons of coco chips from trucks with sledge has brought raskog the family home in the garage. Then, gradually forming other lines of business - serving dish and supply of equipment for bars, restaurants and hotels. At the end of the 90s supplemented disposable serving dish sets and rental arrangements, which are still a small part of the business. raskog
GEMOSS purchased at the full range of restaurants and bars for maintenance, as well as a variety of everyday products, such as canned food, food ingredients hotels and restaurants. Gemoss knew how to build up a customer network at a lower price offering quality dishes from manufacturers such as Chinese porcelain.
Food raw materials transformed into a healthy direction of the production line, and now GEMOSS plant Ziepniekkalns different combinations is packaged nuts, dried fruit and seeds supplied by supermarkets raskog and other manufacturers. Immediately graužamo product packets familiar with the brand Golden nut and daily dose. Equipment and modernization of the mill is the only one for which the company received a loan, the rest of the development has been investing in our own earnings - prudent strategy reveals the owner.
Although raskog the suppliers of credit limit previously was 300 thousand German brand Latvians trust - sometimes even reached the million loan, and in the course of all Gemoss repaid with interest palepojas the owner. "This year will take [credit] since invested in all new production equipment. raskog Nothing we have not privatized and acquired just like that. European funds have used exclusively for training. "The unique flavor
Coffee raskog from which GEMOSS raskog office visitors should never abandon, is the company's new business direction, by three years, developed a new generation of representative - Trei eldest son Richard. After high school started raskog to study, but the work was exciting, "I sat in lectures and read the contracts. Work was always in the first place. "
Eve admits - she coffee theme seemed too complex to be lifted up and earn. But Richard then went very thoroughly. "From the beginning, he made a lot of coffee, and gradually learned from the coffee service raskog began to understand the company. Now Richard takes over the business with IT issues. Repair, service, after-sales service, continues the same Richard, adding that there are serious intentions warehouse and shop work process more effective, with a current workforce of result-oriented work.
For coffee, the first floor of the cabin GEMOSS roast Andritis partner, Richard speaks very enthusiastically and subtly. "Coffee beans are a berry, it can not be stored for a long time. Roasting brings out the acidity, sweetness, flavor, "Richard statement it sounds like the song," opening the coffee study, we want to open the eyes of consumers. With authentic cooking methods we want a

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