Monday, April 20, 2015

F: ... and we enjoy so this new cruise while the sun is setting. We spend a little more

June 30-July 17, 2007 - A wonderful trip to Malaysia, from the islands shaved ice truck Perenthian the jungle of Borneo, passing fish, orangutans, macaques and many more cats than we could imagine.
F: We move to Fiumicino calmly. The flight to Kuala Lumpur Malaysian part fact at 13.45. No particular, the usual waiting for the release of the stand-by, then give us the seats and go up. Aboard Serena and I we are divided (the aircraft, a B777, is full and there are two seats together). Serena happen between two couples who hoped to have more space ...
F: So here we are in Malaysia! Apart from the fact that airports are all equal and all have the same smell of perfume from the duty free shop, we are over 10,000 Km. From Rome. Our itinerary includes weird that you start again immediately for Kota Bharu (from there, in some way, we should organize our stay at Perhentian islands). It seems that there are no problems and give us just two seats on the flight MH1388 of 10:15 and we get good good waiting for boarding after drinking two unlikely expressed served in small glasses of beer. Everything is going as planned: in Kota Bharu, directly to the airport, there is now a kiosk where finalizziamo reservations for our stay to the Perhentian Islands. The first step is the transfer by taxi from Kota Bharu to Kuala Besut, while the degree of our "cooking" (sleep, Lag, fatigue) increases. In Kuala Besut spend a bit 'of shaved ice truck time in the Symphony Travels surreal little office that manages the "fast boat" (...) to the Perhentian. Here, amid loud children, transfers shaved ice truck machine run very familiar (the child's father rowdy) and sleepy sailors driving a little tub, finally arrive to the island of Pulau Perhentian Besar.
F: We stay at Coral View Resort. Our bungalow is very poor wretch (okay that only costs 40 euro per night), especially the bathroom is sad, but the place is certainly fascinating. Very Seychelles-style. Palme, granite boulders, white sand and turquoise water. Despite shaved ice truck the desire to jump to sleep, shaved ice truck we decide that, as always, the best thing to do to get used to the time you will not sleep until the night comes the local. So, costume, towels and afternoon at sea. We turn the two bays around our resort: the second we like best.
F: The night is busy. Twice the power fails in our bungalow because the slot where to insert the key to applying shaved ice truck power to the room does not make contact as it should. Read: no light, even in the bathroom ... no air conditioning. Twice I go to look for the night watchmen, who are there, but they hide well in the middle of the bungalows in the jungle at night. Each time, approximately, fail to restart the system. In the end, one o'clock at night, seems to be okay and we can finally sleep in peace ...
F: ... but the day today we decide to pass it in total relaxation. shaved ice truck Morning and afternoon to the sea to the sea, to make it short. Meanwhile we change bungalow (from 538 to 540 pass) because the current kept making jokes and the reception they give us a new place without problems. A day in the sun and sea we were waiting. We conclude with a flourish with fresh grilled fish dinner on the beach and snacks and beer on the porch ...
F: After breakfast we do bring boat to deserted cove at Turtle Bay (should be of small turtles, and in fact there are, too bad they're inside a plastic bucket full of water. To see them so well we are capable in Rome) . The guys will resume towards 13:30. We spend a wonderful morning: Serena and I alone among the palm trees and crystal clear water. Other tourists arrive carried by boats, paddling two arrive on their own, but it is already almost time to go home. Afternoon nap that lasts up to 16, more or less. Then, after the now already customary frullatone afternoon, we decided to tackle shaved ice truck our first mini trekking in the jungle shaved ice truck that opens behind the resort next to ours.
F: ... and we enjoy so this new cruise while the sun is setting. We spend a little more 'time on the rocks, then shower and go eat pizza in one of the restaurants on the boardwalk shaved ice truck (I taste the famous Hawaiian pizza, that is, with pineapple, chicken and chili). shaved ice truck
F: The masseur, Ahmad, told us a bit 'of things about him (tourism here to Perhentian started about 25 years ago, "Now this place seems a paradise - he says - but you had to see it then,")
F: Then, when you know that we want to snorkel, it is proposed to accompany us with his boat from four places. It is also his wife,

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