Friday, May 15, 2015

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Photo: Zeljko Gasparovic catering trucks / Pixsell
Novska - During the morning began pulling trucks license catering trucks plate NS 179-XD from Serbia, from the channel in which the night of Wednesday, about 22 hours landed on the A3 motorway between Novska and Kutina. Truck driver, Milan Vukelic, (43) in the landing in a deep channel catering trucks of the stream, which passes under the highway, remained trapped in the crushed cab and only the intervention of Novi by firemen, managed to break free. He was transferred to the ambulance in Sisak General Hospital. The reasons why the truck driver landed in the channel yet to be determined. Once you have saved the driver and foam extinguish catering trucks the flames beneath the wreckage of vehicles, firefighters are on the scene remained catering trucks until morning.
- Because of the oil from the tank truck that was leaking into a stream that is attached to nearby ponds in the vicinity of the Lonja field, in order to prevent environmental pollution, are set and three rows of the booms in the stream bed, said Davor Stimac, catering trucks fire commander. By noon they expected a professional team for the repair of accident.
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Night shooting drunk sat for hours in the van for him and the windows catering trucks of the building rank: 1.3 comments: 4
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