Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Working with laboratory animals can not be so soon replaced by another method interview with dr. Sc

Acidification of the ocean, or the evil twin of global warming, as some experts call, faster mobile food trucks threatens the world's oceans mobile food trucks and seas on a number of levels. Acidification and global warming, mobile food trucks in fact, partly share the same cause - increased emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Even regardless of the temperature increase on Earth, the oceans mobile food trucks are becoming more acidic. If in the near future situation does not change, many known species mobile food trucks could be extinct by the end of the century.
Ocean acidification occurs when a portion of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is too soon dissolved in the oceans, which permanently increases their acidity. The specific chemical process of releasing the hydrogen ions which increase the acidity of the ocean, but at the same time reduces the concentration of carbonate ions, which some organisms vital.
Reducing the concentration of carbonate ions in the marine environment will first affect the organisms have a skeleton or shell of calcium carbonate, such as coral or shellfish. mobile food trucks They are due to lack of necessary minerals can not completely protect your body. And if you build your shell or skeleton, such otherwise solid creations will begin to melt due to increased acidity, which will also provide animals lack of protection of poor conditions or predators.
Research shows that acidification could affect the processes of reproduction of plankton (photo), which plays an important role in the food web of many fish and other marine organisms. And this kind of a food source even larger fish, birds and even people.
Much of the carbon mobile food trucks dioxide that dissolves in the oceans comes from non-renewable sources of energy, cement production, deforestation and other human activities mobile food trucks that will gradually turn into oceans acidify the environment. mobile food trucks By the end of the century it is considered that there could be a lowering of the pH of the ocean by 0.3 (the lower the pH, the more acidic) to a pH of 7.8, as some organisms such as corals certainly could not survive. Current balance the pH is about 8.1, and in the last hundred years has fallen to 0.1.
By studying the underwater source of carbon dioxide, by conducting mobile food trucks experiments with increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide, as well as studying the Earth's history, geology and various fossil finds, scientists have come up with one key conclusion - in the Earth's past, but they have had similar effects. Scientists, in fact, believe that the two phenomena, one conveniently called "mass extinction" 251 million years ago (when it is in the area of today's Russia there was a volcanic eruption and became extinct about 96% of all marine life), and another that occurred 55 million years, were accompanied by acidification of the ocean. It is believed that lowering the pH of the ocean (ie increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions in the ocean) mobile food trucks dealt the final blow to many species, and the consequences that had an impact on the diversity of today's marine life. 2009/02 / 090223091752.htm http: // www / releases / 2012/03 / 120301143735.htm
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Working with laboratory animals can not be so soon replaced by another method interview with dr. Sc. Sofia Ana Blazevic Value herbarium collections is invaluable interview with doc. Ph. D.. Sandra Bogdanovic mobile food trucks Claims about the effectiveness of the vaccine are very exaggerated! Interview with dr. sc. Luc

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