Monday, May 25, 2015

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Most diverse everyday situations are a source of stress involved with anxiety, insomnia, depression, many psychosomatic diseases. Many do not know how to distinguish a passing nervous stress which, if not treated in time, can become a handicap. We give you a list of the most common indicators of stress, and if you recognize yourself in any of the symptoms, do not hesitate to seek help from a doctor shaved ice truck if you find that you are unable to resolve the issue. It is also important to note that these symptoms may also indicate other problems, which is always best consult with professionals. Problems with sleep
The quality of sleep a person under stress is significantly different than in people who do not have this problem. In fact, when you're stressed, it is not rare to wake up in the middle of the night then you can not fall asleep, dreaming bad dreams after which you wake up tired and exhausted. But when the morning alarm clock your worst enemy, because you have no desire to get up and start a new day. Behavior problems
People who are under stress are much less need to joke, laugh, celebrate shaved ice truck life, and sometimes it happens to be just annoyed with other people. Stress causes a lack of enthusiasm, concentration problems, and difficulties in establishing communication with neighbors and colleagues. That's why it often happens that people who are under stress withdraw into himself, and some of them become aggressive. Problems in bed
Stress as such affects your deepest intimacy, which can manifest sexual dysfunction, premature ejaculation shaved ice truck in men, loss of libido in women. If you have no desire for sex with a loved partner, and the cause of it is stress, problems of bed can easily be expanded and outside, on the relationship with your partner at all, for common communication. Change my weight
One of the major symptoms of stress is the change in weight. When you are nervous and tense, some people simply have no desire for food, which is why it happens that in a very short period of loss greater shaved ice truck amount of weight that can affect health in general. Other people, however, reach for food in the hope that it will find comfort, without choosing what, when and how much they eat, which often leads to obesity. Chronic fatigue
Stress can cause chronic fatigue, which can lead to a lack of productivity shaved ice truck and problems at work, or in daily usual activities. Many people believe that this problem will solve a huge cup of strong coffee, but caffeine in the long run it works counterproductive. Instead, the best would be to relax with a book, magazine, show or movie that you love, or simply shaved ice truck to take a nap.
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