Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The main characteristics of electromagnetic (EM) radiation

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The electromagnetic (EM) pollution as a result raha mall cinema of rapid technological development is today perhaps the greatest threat to mankind and nature. The greatest danger of pollution is what we can not feel, and the negative health effects can manifest themselves only after a long period, and is usually not associated with a single electromagnetic pollution but other factors (stress, poor nutrition).
Although official medicine and the umbrella organization that takes care of sick people, such as, the World Health Organization (WHO) deny or reduce the risk of various electrical devices that have become an indispensable part of life of modern man, the indisputable fact is that in parallel with the growth in the number of cell phones and other electronic gadgets (last count about 6 million mobile phones in the world) raha mall cinema and the growing raha mall cinema number of increasingly severe diseases such as tumors and that in a younger population, and even children.
This article will show you: all artificially created electromagnetic radiation from various electronic devices and power distribution lines is by nature generally harmful to human health. This is mainly due to the harm 'unfortunate' raha mall cinema selection of frequencies that disturb the functioning of man as finely tuned bio-electrical subtle body. The exceptions are electronic devices that can generate electromagnetic radiation which has a beneficial effect on human health (eg. Zapper). microwave wireless communications technology cell phones, computers, laptops, tablets, e-Readers, cordless home phones (DECT), wireless routers (Wi-Fi) and other devices ('smart' electric meter) using wireless communications (Wi-Fi or Bluetooth) are particularly harmful because the work with microwaves, which have the property of deeply penetrating in the human tissue and cause tremendous damage. We currently valid rules on permissible limits of electromagnetic radiation are falsified because they are based on misguided or specially selected research that can not be clearly proven raha mall cinema harmful EM radiation on human health. At the same time, numerous studies raha mall cinema prove the damage and very low doses of EM radiation willful ignorance. Organizations raha mall cinema such as the WHO (World Health Organization), IARC (International Agency raha mall cinema for Research on Cancer) and ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection), which make recommendations and prescribe permissible raha mall cinema limits raha mall cinema of electromagnetic radiation raha mall cinema which according to them are not harmful to health are used only as an alibi for a false concern about the health and safety of people. In fact these organizations are not set up to protect and promote the common good and the quality of life and health raha mall cinema of people, but rather to give legitimacy to corporations that their recommendations are used to people willing to plant deadly devices as safe and harmless devices. In addition to direct effects of electric and magnetic components of the EM radiation to the human, which can be measured with instruments of the classics, the biggest problem is the so-called. Information component or subtle energy of EM radiation, which man can not consciously feel, but at the cellular level (DNA, cell membranes, the pineal gland) raha mall cinema can sense and respond. raha mall cinema Since it is mainly about negative information, human cells usually respond to this negative information growth inhibition resulting raha mall cinema in disease, but also restrict the development of consciousness and spiritual growth. EM radiation is destroying or disabling the proper functioning of the pineal gland (pineal gland) and DNA representing our main physical connection (antenna) with a higher consciousness. analyzing all the information I can say that the scenario that takes place on the food plan (introduction of toxic GMO and chemical additives in food and drink) and the pharmaceutical-medical plan (deliberate poisoning with drugs), takes place in the world of electronics, where people are programmed to be dependent on a variety of electronic devices that serve the rulers to have better control over us (their slaves). Monitoring and Eavesdropping is a basic function of these devices, and entertainment raha mall cinema and communication ability is only side thing which serve us make people dependent on these gadgets. An important raha mall cinema component is the direct control of the mind and behavior of both individuals and larger groups of people.
Radioactive ionizing radiation
The main characteristics of electromagnetic (EM) radiation
We distinguish between natural and artificial electromagnetic radiation. Natural radiation the Earth's magnetic field, electrostatic raha mall cinema field of the atmosphere, natural radioactivity, sunlight and all the radiation from space. Artificial radiation are all produced by man, which can be characterized raha mall cinema as electrosmog or as another species zag

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