Thursday, May 21, 2015

- Apparently each from Porsche worth more than 150 thousand euros - said the fire commander Drazen

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Photo: Zeljko Gasparovic
The timely intervention of the Croatian Roads employees who until the arrival of firefighters from Novska how many knights of the round table appliances for manual how many knights of the round table fire began to extinguish the fire that broke out on a truck with a trailer loaded with expensive cars prevented a great pity.
This morning just after eight o'clock in the southern part of the A3 motorway between Novska and Okucani, lit the bed on wheels trailer car carrier. Driver transporters from the Belgrade transport company Lake, which is on a trailer drove five Porsche Panemera and two other cars from Slovenia to Turkey, said that in the run saw the smoke from the trailer. Having stopped on the highway highway, broke out the flames on the chassis of the trailer.
The flames engulfed one of the vehicles, but then encountered patrol the highway and began to extinguish the fire. Fire crews from Novska out on site with foam stopped the spread of fire. Although the vehicle was engulfed in flames, all other are saved.
- Apparently each from Porsche worth more than 150 thousand euros - said the fire commander Drazen Stimac while the rest of the team after a successful intervention photographed for memory besides surviving Porsche.
I had never heard this happens, only in this area ..... do not remember that in any country ...........
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